smell of plum tree


自動車を車庫に入れ終え、ドアをあけたら、 ほのかな香りがした。


香りに誘われて、 車庫の裏手の山に目をやると、 夕刻というのに、 一面に明るい光景が広がった。


整然と剪定された梅の木に、 見事な白い花が咲いている。

父の腕は確かだ。 香りまですばらしい。

畑にいる父に品種をきいてみた。 「白加賀」と「南高」というらしい。 続けて、 「今年は開花が遅かった」そうである。



When it finished putting the car in the garage, and the door was opened, a faint smell did.

It is a plum tree.

It is invited to the smell. A bright spectacle extended all over in the evening when the mountain in the back in the garage was looked.

Is it full-bloomed?

A splendid, white flower is in blossom in the tree of the plum tree pruned in an orderly manner.

Father's arm is certain. Even the smell is wonderful.

It is ..kind.. effective in father in the field. It seems to be said, "White Kaga" and "..south.. height". "Flowering is late this year" is so continuously.

It felt like had brought the little bit close to the idea of father who enjoyed the beauty of the flowers.


2006-03-15 2006-03-09 2006-03-08 2007-01-20 2006-11-27 2006-07-24 2006-07-20 2006-07-14 2006-07-11 2006-07-07 2006-07-05 2006-06-26

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