Planning Division

昨日、午前中に本庁の企画部を訪問した。 まずは、おひとり、おひとりに新しい名刺を渡してご挨拶。 (ご多忙中で渡せなかった方、すみません。)

既に顔なじみの方々が大半だ。 互いに笑いながら名刺交換。

広々として、明るくなった。 皆さんの表情も明るく、清々しい。 始終笑いの絶えない職場だ。

支所の雰囲気とはまた違って、 にぎやかである。 これもまた良し。

変わって午後からは、本庁から企画部7名の皆さんが支所訪問。 応接室にて概要説明。 その後、現場案内。


手前ども支所の3人とともに、 10名は一塊となって同じ方向に同じ歩調で歩き出した。 それも、ゆっくりと談笑しながら。

これから良い仕事ができる予感がする。 何かが変わっている。 「停滞」ではないのは明らかなようだ。



Planning Division in this agency was visited in the morning yesterday.

First of all, a new business card is passed to one and one and it greets it. (I'm sorry that it was not possible to pass it busily. )

The people with familiar face are already the majority. It exchanges it the business card while mutually laughing.

It has lightened as spaciousness. Your expression is bright, and fresh, too. It is an office where laughter doesn't always discontinue.

It is lively differing from the atmosphere of the branch office again.

This is also good.

Change and branch office visit of Planning Division you seven in afternoon from this agency. Outline explanation in reception room. Guide afterwards on site.

It visited the hill park and the coal material pavilion of the four seasons from the Mt. Kishima.

With three person ..this side.. branch office Ten people became one mass and began to walk by the same pace as the same direction. It also : while slowly chatting.

The presentiment that good work can be done in the future does. Something has changed. No "Stagnation" it Clearly. seem

I have already felt person's sign.

【The image is second son's work "Cushion. " 】


2006-03-15 2006-03-09 2006-03-08 2007-01-20 2006-11-27 2006-07-24 2006-07-20 2006-07-14 2006-07-11 2006-07-07 2006-07-05 2006-06-26

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