


  • by David J. Leeds, GTM Research


Duke Energy

Duke Energy’s long-term vision is to transform the operation of its electric power grid by creating a reliable and scalable networked infrastructure capable of delivering and receiving information from intelligent devices distributed across its power systems, automating components of the distribution systems and leveraging the linked networks for improved operational effi ciencies and customer satisfaction.

Xcel Energy

Xcel Energy’s vision of a Smart Grid includes a fully network-connected system that identifi es all aspects of the power grid and communicates its status and the impact of consumption decisions (including economic, environmental and reliability impacts) to automated decision-making systems on that network. This vision leverages the multitude of vertical system solutions currently available and deploys a horizontal integration of these systems into a real-time, automated “neural network” that will manage all of the variables involved in delivering energy to the consumer. We believe this vision of an advanced decision-making system will allow Xcel Energy to more effi ciently deliver energy while providing consumers with valuable information for better decisions on when, where and how to consume energy. The impact will be a greatly improved delivery system that optimizes the impact on the environment, ensures the most effi cient delivery, and maximizes reliability.

The GridWise Alliance

  • The GridWise Alliance sees an electric system that integrates the infrastructure, processes, devices, information and market structure so that energy can be generated, distributed and consumed more efficiently and cost effectively, thereby achieving a more resilient, secure and reliable energy system.

【Key Findings】


  •  Smart Gridには11の基本市場がある
  •  3大課題
    • interoperability standards
    • utility business models that promote energy efficiency
    • proper development of systems architecture that can support enterprisewide current and future applications
  •  ベンチャー投資額2005年から2009年6月に掛けてベンチャーキャピタルは約13億ドルをスマート・グリッド分野に投資している。また、2009年上半期だけでも1億500万ドルの投資が行われた。
  •  もっとも多い投資分野は通信分野(エンドツーエンド)で、ここ2年から5年で成熟する。シスコなどが大きな収益をあげるだろう。
  •  スマート・グリッドは三層構造
  •  スマートグリッドの主要市場
    AMI(advanced metering infrastructure)Grid optimizationdistributed generation
    energy storagePHEVs(含smart charging、V2G)advanced utility control systems
    smart homes/networks
  •  グリッド・コミュニケーションのミッシングリング。それは広域のAMIをベースとしたFAN(the intelligent field area network)。それがなければスマート・グリッドはできない。(←つまり、通信網自体の建設から始めるのが現状)FANの目的はユーザーとユーティリティーの通信環境を作ること。
  •  EPRI(Electric Power Research Institute)の推定では向こう20年間にわたるスマート・グリッドの建設コストは1,650億ドル。これは年間約80億ドルの投資になる。
  •  再生エネルギー(renewable energy)技術の成立要件は広域化=スマート・グリッド基盤なしには成り立たない。再生エネルギーは環境に優しく重要だが、スマート・グリッドによってこそその利点を生かせる。スマート・グリッドで既存エネルギーから再生エネルギーへのスムーズな移行が可能になる。
  •  スマート・グリッドは、最大のM2M市場CO2削減やGHG(Greenhouse gases)削減につながる情報通信以外の用途において最大の通信基盤となるだろう。
  •  スマート・グリッドの雇用創出:向こう4年間でスマート・グリッドによる雇用創出は28万人(米国)に達する。出典:KEMA(The U.S. Smart Grid Revolution,” December, 2008)← このレポートは入手済み(RyojiDoc_2 → =Report → Green → 2009)
  •  スマート・グリッド関連スタートアップの約7割は携帯通信、ITハードウェア、ソフトウェアのバックグラウンドを持っている(簡単な調査では)
  •  北米のAMIトップ15社で、2015年までに4,110万台のスマート・メーターを展開予定。
  •  Demand responseアプリケーションは重要性を増している。需要への知的な対応(オンディマンド)はユーザーも大きな関心を持っている。 スマート・グリッドのアプリケーション層
    アプリケーション上位層EMS、DMS、GISDistributed generation and storage dataDistributed generation
    アプリケーション中位層DR Control SystemHome appliance data and controlDemand Response
    アプリケーション下位層AMI、MDMMeta dataAMI
  •  FANの管理通信網(network communications layer)は、WiMAXや次世代携帯データ網などの登場で活況を呈している。また、最近Cisco Systemsは、ユーティリティー・スケールでのネットワーク建設を受注している。
  •  規制ルールの見直し
    • 省エネを促進する意味からも、規制ルールの見直しは欠かせない。特に、そうした省エネ投資を十分に回収できる価格システムの柔軟化/規制緩和は重要。省エネ問題は、電力会社に取って「スターバックス・コーヒーにコーヒーを少なく売れ」と要求していることと同じ。
    • 規制ルールでもっとも重要なことは、消費者がスマート・グリッドに積極的に参画することで、固定・低額な電力価格から柔軟な価格体系へと移る事。←Until time-of-use (TOU) ratesはスマートメーターやホーム・エナジー・マネージメント・システムなどと連動しなければならない。従来の定額固定になれた消費者を変えることが必要。消費者に時間後と日にち毎、季節毎の細かな料金情報を還元してこそ、こうした消費の変化を促せる。




AMI(Advanced metering infrastructure)

  • AMI/FANはスマート・グリッドの基盤技術。これによって様々な他のアプリケーションが利用可能となる。AMIは利用量の計測が主体で、人件費の削減が主目的。現在、この自動計測は徐々に整備されているが、より知的な処理をするスマート・グリッドは対応されていないが、将来はこれらのデータを利用して行くことになる。
    • Grid OptimizationはAMI上のアプリ。問題(停電や断線など)やグリッドのパフォーマンスを監視し、グリッドの最適化を進める。現状では電話などで通報がないと問題がわからない。
    • Demand response (DR)とthe integration of distributed generation sourcesもAMI上のアプリ。通信ネットワークが整備できれば、これらのサービスも可能になる。

Demand Response: A Market Primed to Perform

  • DRのコンセプトは単純。ピーク時間に電力消費者が使用量を減らすようなインセンティブをオンディマンドで与えること。発電の種類(たとえば火力発電からの電力は料金が高い)などを減らすメリットが電力会社にはあり、利用者にはコストカットができる。
    • 現在北米では、商業・産業系大口ユーザーを対象にDRを実施している。これは電話による依頼。スマート・グリッドでは、よりスムーズなコミュニケーションを確立する。また、AMIを設置した一般ユーザーにも適用してゆく
    • DRはスマート・グリッドが目指す最初の重要な広域サービスとなるだろう。DRはスマート・グリッドのキラーアプだ。非常に注目されており、ここ5年ほどで市場は4倍に拡大すると予想されている。
    • DRはピークに対応する天然ガス発電を減らすことができるだろう。また、DRの大手ベンダーComverge社とEnerNoc社が無事上場したことも朗報。

Grid Optimization: Adding Real Intelligence to the Existing Power Grid

  • Grid Oprimization(送電網の最適化)はセンサー技術、通信基盤、その他情報機器の力を借りて、リアルタイムで送電網の最適化、信頼性の向上、エネルギーの高効率化、セキュリティーを達成する。
    • 課題はAMI整備、消費(者)行動の変化。

Distributed Generation: Taking Renewable Energy From Novelty to Norm

  • Distributed Generation(分散発電)は、スマート・グリッドなしには、その素晴らしい環境への貢献を実現できない。
    • PVソーラ・パネルおよび風力発電は、研究開発、商業化への意欲が高まっており、一種の流行となっている。風力発電のコンセプトは1950年代にさかのぼり、現在のタイプは1970年代に生まれている。
    • 風力、太陽光発電のいずれも、課題はスケール・マネージメントにある。
    • 近い将来を考えると、石炭・天然ガス、原子力などのコストに、こうした代替エネルギー源が勝ることはないだろう。にもかかわらず、スマート・グリッドにより、既存エネルギー源と十分に競争することが可能になるだろう。

Energy Storage: The Missing Link

  • 知的送電網にとって、Energy Storageは重要度を増している。
    • スマート・グリッドでは、バルクのストレージ・システムよりも分散型ストレージに焦点を当てている。とはいえ、ストレージ機能を持たない現在の送電網にとって、どちらも有益な技術。
    • 消費地の近くにストレージを置くことで、発電設備や送電設備の新設を減らすことができる。
    • ストレージは代替エネルギーの広域普及という重要な役割を担っているだけでなく、未利用の大量の電力を蓄積する役割も担う。
    • しかし、この技術はまだ研究開発段階を脱していない。

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

  • レポートの18ページ、通信とは直接関係ないので省略

Advanced Utility Controls Systems: The Future of Energy Monitoring and Control

  • スマート・グリッド(AMIやアプリケーション)の整備にともない、電力会社は全社レベルでシステムの近代化を進めなければならない。
    • 様々な外部システムおよびビジネス・プロセスとの統合がAdvanced Utility Controls Systemsの目的。これまで電力システムは、バラバラで統合は難しかった。

Smart Homes and Networks

  • Smart Grid into the house:家庭/商業ビルのアプリケーション(冷暖房、照明、電源、家電)に知性とネットワーク機能を加えることで、消費者は電力消費を簡単に下げる事ができるだろう。
    • 家庭/ビル内の消費電力をリアルタイムで表示できること。ピーク消費の把握、ディマンド・レスポンス機能の導入。


AMIThe fi rst large-scale deployments underwaySubstantial and growing market penetration and network Infrastructure build-outSignifi cant and wide-ranging Implementation
Demand ResponseLimited reach (mainly commercial and industrial customers)Substantial market penetration for residential、commercial and IndustrialCommonplace with a wide variety of end-user service programs
Grid OptimizationA handful of utilities beginning distribution/substation automation projectsSensor technology embedded on the distribution network; automation becoming routineDynamic Sensing everywhere; Grid becomes an Intelligent Utility Network
Distributed Generation IntegrationNascentMaturing、 but still a small % of power generationApproaching Mainstream. More substantial presence;
Energy StorageA few pilots among progressive utilitiesExpected technology advancements and increased Distributed Generation penetration will boost storage’s roleVital role in supporting Distributed Generation
PHEVN/ASmart ChargingV2G (vehicle-to-grid)
Consumer Energy Management SystemsSuccessful pilots continue to highlight consumer demandGaining traction as “set-it-and-forget”technologies make energy management simple to use and cost-effectiveRoutine、 Web-based
Sourece:GTM Research



FAN/AMI Vendors

  • Silver Spring Networks
    • a company that has raised over $165 million, has emerged as the market leader in AMI networking solutions
    • having won several utility scale deployment contracts including a deal with Pacifi c Gas & Electric (PG&E) to connect over fi ve million meters (the largest AMI deployment in the U.S.)
  • Cisco Systems
    • In May 2009, Cisco announced a business partnership with Duke Energy.
  • Smart Synch and AT&T:携帯データ
  • GE/GridNet :WiMAX
  • Silver Spring, Trilliant, Itron, Landis+Gyr and others:RF mesh networks

Note: Actually, with more than 40 million smart meters now scheduled for deployment in the U.S. alone in the next fi ve years, the AMI/FAN sector can now seen as a maturing market.

Software and Application Vendors

  • GridPoint
    • Smart Grid startup, which raised over $220 million
    • the applications of Smart Grid, including distributed generation, storage and PHEV integration, as well as home energy management systems.
  • Oracle
    • “Oracle’s Smart Grid Software to Link Utilities Operations and Consumer Access to Detailed Consumption Data” プレスリリース
    • “Turning Information Into Power: Moving Toward the Smart Grid” サーベイ
      • ↑このレポートはダウンロード済み(Ryoji_Doc2 → =Report → Green → Smart_Grid)
    • Oracle Utilities Network Management System リンク
    • Oracle?Utilities Customer Care and Billing  リンク
    • Oracle Utilities Load Analysis リンク
    • Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management  リンク
    • Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management リンク

Home Area Networks (HAN) and Energy Management Systems Vendors

How much does it cost to leave your TV on all day? What about turning your air conditioning 1 degree cooler? Which uses more power every month ― your dishwasher or your washing machine? Is your household more or less energy efficient than similar homes in your neighborhood?

Its nearly impossible to make informed choices about electricity. This is a problem but also a huge opportunity for us all to save money and help the environment by reducing our power usage. Studies show that access to your household's personal energy information is likely to save you 5--15% on your monthly bill. Even greater savings are possible if you use this information to see the value of retiring your old refrigerator, installing a new air conditioner or insulating your home. The potential impact of large numbers of people achieving similar efficiencies is even more exciting. For every six households that save 10% on electricity, for instance, we reduce carbon emissions as much as taking one conventional car off the road (see sources and calculation).

At Google we're helping enable a future where access to personal electricity information helps everyone make smarter energy choices. Google PowerMeter shows consumers their electricity consumption in a secure Google gadget. Today we are testing the product with utility partners in the US, India, Germany, and Canada.

We think Google PowerMeter offers more useful and actionable feedback than complicated monthly paper bills that provide little detail on consumption or how to save energy. But Google PowerMeter is just a start; it will take a lot of different groups working together to create what the world really needs: a path to smarter power.

  • Microsoft Hohm 家庭向けエネルギー消費レポート

    How can you get a personalized energy report for your home?

    1 Get your Hohm account: Once you’ve signed up with your Windows Live ID and Postal Code, Hohm will give you useful information about your energy use.

    2 Tell us about your home and energy usage: Help us understand how, when and where you’re using energy.

    3 View your energy report: Hohm will suggest ways that can help you reduce your energy consumption and your energy bill.

    4 Connect with others and share your ideas: Be a part of the Hohm community to share your energy-saving ideas and experiences.

  • Tendril early “leaders”
  • Greenbox early “leaders”
  • HAN用チップ・メーカー
    • Ember ZigBee Leader - Chips, Software, Tools - As a Zigbee compliant chip manufacturer
    • Gainspan GainSpan provides an ultra low power Wi-Fi single chip solution for battery-powered or energy-harvesting-based sensor applications

Note: Home Energy Management space; this market is still in the early phases of development as generally speaking you first need to have a smart meter and network in place to generate and transport the end-user data upon which these that these systems rely.

Demand Response (DR) Vendors

  • Comverge

    Comverge has made more headway in the largely un-tapped residential market (approximately 25 percent of Comverge’s demand response portfolio is in residential deployments), which is noteworthy in an industry that largely concentrates on industrial and commercial clients.

    • EnerNoc

      Demand Response: Thousands of facilities in our network get paid for reducing their energy usage during periods of peak demand, while our utility customers get access to clean

Smart Meters, Advanced Control Systems and Grid Optimization Vendors

  • Smart Meters: All of the leading smart metering companies (Itron, GE, Landis+Gyr, Elster, Sensus and Echelon) developed directly out of the traditional metering industry
    • Itron
      Welcome to Itron, where we're reinventing the energy industry and helping utilities thrive with our automatic meter reading technology and powerful management and forecasting ...
    • GE
      The Smart Grid integrates 21st century technology with the 20th century power gid. So GE can help you manage energy more efficiently than ever before.
    • Landis+Gyr
      Products include solid-state and electromechanical residential meters, a full line of solid-state commercial and industrial meters, high-end precision meters and automated meter ...
    • Elster
      Elster Group is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of highly accurate, high quality, integrated metering and utilisation solutions to the gas, electricity and water ...
    • Sensus
      Manufactures water and wastewater treatment products for the municipal and industrial markets including computer software, meters, turbines, encoders, instrumentation.
    • Echelon
      The NES System is the world's most capable and adopted advanced metering infrastructure solution and the backbone of a true smart grid. More than 27 million homes are already on a smart grid using the underlying technology of the NES System, and over 1.5 million more are slated to upgrade to a smart grid.

Meter Data Management (MDM) Vendors

  • While smart metering companies aim to offer these solutions as part of their overall (advanced metering infrastructure) package, data management historically has not one of their core competencies.eMeter and Ecologic Analyticsは比較的最近参入。
    • eMeter is the leader in enterprise-class advanced metering information system solutions for electric, gas and water utilities in both mass market and C&I deployments.
    • Ecologic_Analytics:was able to convince PG&E to be its MDM provider
      Provides meter data management (MDM) software for electric, natural gas and water utilities.


エネルギー需要の拡大(Growing Energy Demand)

Increasing demand for energy (including more data centers, consumer appliances, and the introduction of electric cars) and specifi cally an increasing demand for expensive Peak Energy.(World marketed energy consumption is projected to increase by 44 percent from 2006 to 2030. by EIA

A dire need for energy efficiency/conservation to counteract the pace of global energy demand Energy Independence and Security.

National Security (decreasing fuel supplies and on-going dependence on volatile nations)(電気自動車などによるエネルギー利用の効率化は、エネルギー独立性を高め、国家の安全保障を高める)政策と自動車・電力・通信産業の融合

Rising/volatile fuel costs

温暖化ガスの削減(GHG Reduction)

Increasing awareness of environmental issues, including global warming (electric generation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world)

Social pressures (notably in Europe and the U.S. where the concept of carbon footprints is increasingly understood)

Optimized distribution and control of power results in overall system effi ciencies and reduced GHG emissions

経済成長の維持(Economic Growth)

Job creation/business opportunities (the renewal and re-invention of the electric power infrastructure is one of the largest business opportunities of this new century)

Blackouts/brownouts hurt GDP considerably (estimated $150 billion annual in the U.S.)

Rising asset costs (costs of capital, raw materials, and labor have all spiked)

Aging infrastructure (average grid hardware 40 years) and aging workforce (e.g., 25 percent of Xcel Energy retires in the next 10 years)

政策・規制(Policy and Regulation)

Regulatory pressures . RPS Fulfi llment (many states now aim for “20 by 20” or a similar goal, with California leading the charge, expecting 20 percent renewable energy by 2010)

The U.S. Congress recognized in both the Energy Independence Act of 2007 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) that the addition of Smart Grid technologies to the current grid is a key component of reducing carbon emissions

The new U.S. administration has made energy policy a leading priority and has directed approximately $4 billion in Stimulus funds towards Smart Grid projects

技術の進展(Technology Advancement)

Smart Grid can be seen as the convergence of IT, Telecom and Energy markets

Rapid innovations in technology over the past decade allow a range of new products and solutions

Signifi cant amounts of venture capital investment in Smart Grid technologies and solutions

電力送電網の最適化による効率化(Increased Efficiency Through Grid Optimization)

Multiple integration points for intelligent grid hardware and software from transmission to consumption

Embedded sensors and monitoring capabilities

Deployment of advanced two-way communications networks

Growing Supply of Renewable and Distributed Power Generation and Storage

Network and systems architecture to support many forms of distributed generation and storage

Intelligent support for multiple forms of intermittent renewable power sources (centralized and/or distributed)

消費者向け先端サービス(Advanced Consumer Services)

Robust, simple consumer energy management platforms

Networked devices within the “smart home”

New, effi cient pricing models for electricity usage

A more active role in effi cient power usage

インフラ基盤の信頼性と安全性(Infrastructure Reliability and Security)

Networks/systems tolerant of attack or natural disaster

Ability to anticipate and automatically respond to system disturbances 21st Century Power Quality

Delivering power that is free of sags, spikes, disturbances and interruptions

[作成日 2009-08-27] ページ30から