

Top > Link

  • Linkして作成できるオブジェクト長は32m
  • リンクさせたオブジェクトを移動させるのは、そのオブジェクトの端から1m以内に
    llGetLocalPos() と、llSetPos() を利用して、子オブジェクトを



llBreakLink?Delinks a specified prim from the linkset.
llBreakAllLinks?Delinks all prims in the linkset.
llCreateLink?Links an object to the linkset.
llDetectedLinkNumber?Returns the link number of the prim a touch or collision event was triggered by.
llGetLinkKey?Gets the key of a specified prim in the linkset.
llGetLinkName?Gets the name of a specified prim in the linkset.
llGetLinkNumber?Gets the link number of the prim containing the script.
llGetLocalPos?Gets the position of the child prim relative to the root prim.
llGetLocalRot?Gets the rotation of the child prim relative to the root prim.
llSetLocalRot?Sets the rotation of the child prim relative to the root prim.
llGetNumberOfPrims?Returns the total number of prims in the object.
llGetPos()Gets the position of the prim in region coordinates.
llSetPos()In a child prim, sets position relative to the root prim.
llGetRootPosition?Gets the position of the root prim in region coordinates.
llGetRootRotation?Gets the rotation of the root prim.
llMessageLinked()Sends a message to specified prims to be recieved by other scripts using the link_message event.
llPassCollisions?Toggles whether collisions with one prim in a linkset trigger collision events in scripts in other prims.
llPassTouches?Toggles whether touches with one prim in a linkset trigger touch events in scripts in other prims.
llRezAtRoot?Rezzes an object at the root prim's coordinates.
llSetLinkAlpha?Sets the alpha of any specified prim in the object.
llSetLinkColor?Sets the color of any specified prim in the object.
