
  • Tangerine Dream/ Dream Sequence
  • Iancu Dumitrescu, Ana-Maria Avram/ Numerologie Secrete
  • Johnny Deluxe/ Elskovspony
  • Lucky Soul/ Lips Are Unhappy
  • 金莎/ 空气
  • Juanes/ Volverte a ver
  • ละอองฟอง/ ต่างใจเดียว
  • Faithless/ We Come One
  • Veronica Maggio/ Dumpa Mig
  • Gnarls Barkley/ Crazy
  • Flipsyde/ Happy Birthday
  • Marit Larsen/ Don't Save Me
  • 陳慧嫻/ 明日有明天
  • 張韶涵/ 歐若拉
  • 潘瑋柏 and 弦子/ 不得不愛
  • helpful
    • It’s he/she who encourage me to do….
  • kind
    • Seriously, I ask for his/her advice when I have a problem.
  • kind
    • When I was little, he/she used to take me to do…
  • generous
    • he/she treats me.
  • I’m really lucky have such a nice …
    • How could I not love such a nice…
  • why you liked it
    • I was surprised by, was exciting, was amazing, cheep, had a very good time
  • the most dangerous
    • I was scared to death
    • It is the most dangerous but at the same the most exciting experience I have ever had.
    • It’s an activity that I engage in every chance that I get.
  • If you could change one thing in the world today
    • That is why I would do.


2007-09-04 2007-07-16 2007-03-20 2007-01-31 2006-10-06 2006-10-01 2006-09-22 2006-09-20 2006-08-30 2006-08-25 2006-08-21 2006-08-13 2006-08-12 2006-08-11
2006-07-28 2006-07-17

  • counter: 217
  • today: 1
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  • online: 2