Blog 目次
I have run out of energy and time. I myself have to do my unfinished business, including grading over 300 pages of students' work, and start summarizing the publications of another candidate for July 13th.
This is it. Sorry if the momos on this site is of little use for your work.
July 4th, 2005 12:00
7/3/05 ほとんど参考にならないかも? 編集中ですが、修正、追加できるように、wikiで作成してみました。
According to Coulon (1995), "ethnomethodology is the empirical study of methods that individuals use to give sense to accomplish their daily actions: communicating, making decisions, and reasoning" (p. 15). This approach is actually a form of ethnography, which specifically studies activities of group members to see how they make sense of their surroundings. Or, "Ethnomethodology : cross-cultural analyses of ways of doing and knowing."
学術語、jargonの正確な定義はともかく、関連するキーワードは 言語社会学、談話分析(discourse analysis)、会話分析(conversation analysis)、質的データ分析(qualitative data analysis)、社会・言語行為(social action, speech acts)、pragmatics
Turn Taking - Intonation, paralanguage, body motion, sociocentric sequences, syntax (Duncan,1973,1974) Etnography of Speech(Communication) “… is based on anthropology and linguisctics… “
Harold Garfinkel has been on the faculty of the sociology department at UCLA Since 1954. Retired in 1987, he remains active as an emeritus professor. Harold Garfinkel is Professor Emeritus in sociology at Harvard University.
Garfinkel ist zudem Verfasser von Kurzgeschichten (z.B. Colour Trouble von
1941) und des Standardwerkes der Ethnomethodologie, Studies in
Ethnomethodology von 1967.
Ethnomethodological studies come in a wide variety of forms, including: the
sequential analysis of conversation (Conversation Analysis); the study of
social categorization practices (membership category analysis); studies of
workplace settings and activities (studies of work).
ハロルド・ガーフィンケル&アン・ロールズ 『エスノメソドロジーのプログラム』 Harold Garfinkel & Anne Rawls, Ethnomethodology's Program: Working Out Durkheim's Aphorism
... エスノメソドロジー(ethnomethodology)の創始者ハロルド・ガーフィンケルは、日常生活者の知識そのものを探究することに焦点をしぼり、日常生活の現場における人びとの実践的な知恵――これが「エスノメソッド」(ethnomethod)――を肯定的に位置づけた
リフレクション――社会学的な感受性へ 1994年刊行(文化書房博文社)の社会学概論 社会学の求心力とは何か、
社会学を学ぶ意味は何かについて考えます。全文を掲載。[1993年−1994年執筆]野村一夫 社会学者。 現職は国学院大学経済学部教授。1955年大阪生まれ
社会学では、ほぼ四つの系譜において リフレクションが直接間接に論じられてきた。
人々が社会的構造感(sense of social structure)を生み出していく方法(ethnomethod)を分析の対象とする。」(p.49)
会話分析とは、従来の言語・言語社会学でのprgmatics (Leech, and others) や Paul Griceに代表される「会話協調・丁寧の原則」の研究を踏まえ、いや、実はむしろ、「脱皮」すべきとした、新しい社会学的な研究です。
Charles Antaki, analysing talk and text
a course for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University (England?)
引用Like speech act theory, Conversation Analysis (CA) believes that talk 'does' things. Like Grice's co-operative principle, it sees that what talk does depends on (at least) the assumption that one piece of talk is relevant to another.
So far so good. But CA departs from these two theories of pragmatics in important ways. It doesn't depend on invented examples, it doesn't limit itself to units like sentences, and it wants to understand social action. Indeed, it started in Sociology.
It doesn't depend on invented examples
とは、文法研究のため、母語話者の直感・判断に基づく文の文法理論のための「架空の文」をデータとしない。これは、やわらかい皮肉で、「変形・生成文法」の研究方法を意味しています。 また、
it doesn't limit itself to units like sentences
とは、Dell Hymesなどの社会言語学の研究対象が、談話、言語使用、場、コンテキスト、テキスト(文章)分析につながるという意味でしょう。
Discourse Analysis
"Discourse analysis" means many things to many people.
One thing they all agree on is that the analyst's first focus must be on language, and what it does in the world. So far, CA agrees.
The next thing they agree on is that the analyst must 'go beyond' the data itself.
The analyst has to interpret by appeal to a theory (e.g. a theory about society, or power, or culture). At this point, DA splits off from CA, which is against interpretation of that kind.
DA splits off from CA, which is against interpretation of that kind.
A: Let's get the kids something B: OK but not I-C-E C-R-E-A-M [spelling it out]
「音声」重視の教授法(パターンドリルなど)。 さらに、
一方、チョムスキーの言語知識(comptence)解明研究よりは、むしろ、言語使用(performance)研究を中心にすべきとの提言が1980?年前後に盛んとなり、すなわち、社会言語学の登場。ペンシルバニア大学のDell Hymesらの研究が、英語、外国語教育に多くの示唆を与えたと思います。
Harvey Sacks, Lectures on Conversation
Sacks found pragmatics largely useless, and linguistics in general no help at all. Most of it was about langue, nor parole anyway 。。。
Why not, asked Sacks, look at what people actually say? With a tape-recorder you can listen over and over again. No linguists ever did that. And what the linguist was looking for in language was 'meaning'; Sacks was looking for action.
会話分析の問題点 As became clear in the Sacks quote above, an analysis in CA is always comparative, either directly or indirectly. ... All of these analytic operations mark conversational analysis as, in many respects, a constructive analytic enterprise ...
上のDell Hymes, M. A. Hallidayらの「社会言語学」の談話構造分析に触発され、フランダースのマクロティーチングの歴史的延長として
Flanders NA (1970) Analyzing teaching behavior. Reading Mass. Addison-Wesley. McKeachie WJ, Pintrich PR, ...
理論 教授方法の相互作用分析 Flanders' Interaction Analysis:
drive [drove??] to develop more objective techniques for analyzing interaction provides evidence of change, but also becomes a stepping stone to a systematic inquiry into one's own behavior. He suggest that there are a variety of approach's needed. There are samples, fixed, ten-category system that is recommenced ... .
was developed by Flanders in 1955, at the University of Minnesota. These categories are use to keep track of what is being said by whom. Even the silence would be recorded and the time spent in each category.
それは、並行して、「教育、教授法」の視座から、「学習者理論」の転換とも合致したと思います。foreigner talk, interlanguage analysisいずれも、performace dataをベースにした、質的データの研究方法からの「理論」探求です。
Analysing Talk In Interaction
Like speech act theory, Conversation Analysis (CA) believes that talk 'does' things. Like Grice's co-operative principle, it sees that what talk does depends on (at least) the assumption that one piece of talk is relevant to another.
So far so good. But CA departs from these two theories of pragmatics in important ways. It doesn't depend on invented examples, it doesn't limit itself to units like sentences, and it wants to understand social action. Indeed, it started in Sociology.
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