Adv-Comp / 2007-10-19

Adv-Comp 目次

Automatic Essay Grading

Links posted in my past wiki thread

Links posted in my past wiki thread are broken here and there and I had to relocate Pearson sites!!

  1. Adv-Comp/2006-10-13
  2.<--Search with 'automatic essay' in this WIKIROOM pages

Y drive 教材フォルダー only for KG students

I have uploaded two screenshots for 'Assignments for Automatic Essay Grading' at: Y drive 教材フォルダー Try the following site to open Y drive folder: (Images have no hyperlink!)

  1. <-- It won't hyperlink?? It does on this Wiki page!! but I can not upload files.

Please locate my folder:--> 安田雅美.f/Adv-comp.f by scrolling down and --> Folder: AutomaticEssayGrading

Two screen shot jpg files:

For your convenience, I have attached in the public folder as well the two screen shot jpg files, for assignments for the fall, using Pearson web sites:

  1.<--Outlook Web Access - Public folder for KG students ONLY
  2.<-- Pearson site for various subjects

1) PearsonHighSchool101907.jpg

  1. Google doc, jpg open for the public tentatively<--
  2.<--search words: pearson+writing+demo+assessment will hit the following?
  3. <-- demo for Automatic Essay Grading at Pearson

2) PearsonWritingtoLearn101907.jpg

  1. Google doc, jpg open for the public tentatively<--
  2.<--search words: automatic+essay+gradingwill hit the following?
  3. <-- Essay and summary writing, Writing to Learn at Pearson <--
  4. <--2010/10/08 added

Search for further study

  1. searchwords: pearson+writing+demo+assessment
  2. search words: writing+to+learn
  3. search words: automatic+essay+grading

Automatic Essay Scoring Part 2 at HOLT

The HOLT's automatic essay scoring site

Last year's thread: 2006-10-13

  •<--Last year's thread on HOLT's site: 2006-10-13

From last year's thread:
  1. role model: prompt and model essay in shockwave
  2. Change of grades: prompt and model essay in shockwave<-- some trouble in Shockwave?
  3. Please visit the above thread: 2006-10-13 and browse PDF file

New site (URL)

Yes, it has been re-located: but found IT!!

  1. <--updated 2010/10/08
  2. <-- Broken?
  3. Google doc, jpg open for the public tentatively<--

The above site was not easily located in class today (10/19/07), but returning to my office after class, I have found IT, which would be an additional assignment… .
Too bad, but this is life.

How to submit for scoring at HOLT's site:

First of all, visit

Then, follow the precedures below:

  1. Choose 'View Sample' on the uppler left corner
  2. Choose 'Language Arts', the leftmost icon
  3. The above two actions will link to:
  4. You can take a tour, or something else, but...
  5. Choose 'free demo site' for the assignment in the following paragraph of the above page:
    "On our free demo site, your students can submit an essay
    based on one of two prompts and receive a holistic score
    and written feedback―instantaneously! "
  6. Clicking "free demo site" links to: an orange based site:
  7. If you can see an icon:
    on the above page, you have reached the correct page.
  8. Click "NEXT" icon on the lower right corner, which links to the map of the US with States names:
  9. Choose any state and click, and you reach a page where you can post your essay for two levels: Middle high and High school levels. You can choose either one for the assignment:
  10. Middle high school level has the topic of 'role models,'
    while the High school level, "Letter or Pass Fail option for the grades"
  11. After chooshing the level, you are almost ready to paste your composition
    to get an automatic essay scoring program grade your piece.
    After getting a score of 4 out of possible 6,
    you can upload the composition to your WordPress blog site
    for the instructor to grade with human touch!

The assignments for October and by mid November

Assignments NOW consist of 2 pieces for Automatic Essay Scoring
First choose 1 out of the following two choices:

a) 2 choices on this HOLT's automatic essay scoring (the above)~

plus one out of three at the following two Pearson's sites

b) 2 choices of Pearson's topics for high school (summer vacation, and field trip)~


c) 1 choice of Pearson's Learn to Write for essay or summary writing.

Other Projects in the fall

Blog Cast -PodCasting for your Weblog sites~ and

  1.<--My memo thread at WordPress on Feed2Podcast and
  2.<--Feed2Podcast threads at PHP BBS site
  3.<--Webcast project memos with, threads at PHP BBS site

Speak!! - Text to Speech with audio recognition

To make the best use of ‘SPEAK!‘ which is installed in KG Law Dept.’s CALL lab this fall, 2007.

  1.<--Click to browse video on how to run and study with ‘SPEAK!"
  2.<– Click to jump to ‘Yahoo! English study content on the web by Lighthouse’
  3.<--memos on Text to Speech at PHP BBS site

Future conferences and workshops

  1. Englishforum Online Courses
  2.<--Pearson Longman's Workshop, Amazing Minds Schedule 10/20/07 ~ 10/21/07 -- my memos at Google document site, personal itinerary, but set to be open for the public eyes for educational purposes here.
  3.<--Google document site, We need no MS-OFFICE? Hurra for Web 2.0!!