Blog 目次
Cheaters: those who cheat thier group mates and themselves, and ME!
Do not cheat yourself that you are going to be a good teacher, if you cut classes without any prior or post notices.
Subject: deadlines for assignments
以下は抜粋 編集済If I do not hear any reasons for delay or no submissions, you are NOT to receive the credit for this course, nor will you be eligible to get your papers graded/ corrected.
3) PostScript?
It is irritable beyond words and almost obscene to find some in the class taking advantage of the responsible group mates while cutting classes without any prior notice, and yet hand in the assignments when they show up in class, as if he or she has every right to get an individual attention.. No way Jose. I shall simply deny such rudeness in class, as this is the required course for the future educationalist. I can not grant such rudeness and unfairness.
Yes, fairness is the principle for this course,
as well as for the education, let alone for each of you. Do not try to cheat on us, please. They can hate me, and I will be proud of seeing them leave out of our sight in serious business of education.
The above excludes, of course, those who have submitted
an official execuse memos for doctor's appointment, health problems, plus student teahing, and senior citizen nursing home visit and help and the like. I accept no execuses whatsoever that have something to do with the club practice, nor some unjustifiable reasons, or an execuse that assignements are piiled up for other classes. Period.
If you have any personal problems, please consult me in person after class.
以下は抜粋 編集済先程投稿した英語メールはプルーフリードもせずに、キボードで思いつくままブラインドタイプし、帰宅寸前(正門前は23時)でしたので投稿しました。失礼しました。皆さんの見本では決してありません。添削をお願いしますね。
Modified earlier mail of mine sent to a student
以下は抜粋 編集済 To Whom It May Concern, 件名: 授業で伝達した通り、出席して提出ください。 添削はできませんし、欠席について承認もしておりません。
以下は抜粋 編集済 Modified earlier mail of mine sent to a student To Whom It May Concern,
I can not decide on your future carreer goal, but if you are not confident in English, then you should not cheat yourself that you can teach English to children. They will be your victims.
As for your privieldge and rights of taking the course, I have no say. I have, however, an authority of granting the credits to only those who fullfil the minimum standards for such a professional course as ours. As far as I can tell from your coursework in the spring, you are definitely failing my expectations, as you have made so many cuts.
If you do not partcipate in class, there is no way to ask for the credit, which is the self-evident rule for any courses as far as I am concerned. There might be some exceptions in other classes, like large lecture classes, classes at 'party' schools. KG used to be one of them, but we are changing such a notorious reputation. Granted that I may never have specified attendance policy clearly, and ff you need to make it clear, I do not mind announcing in class in the fall. Attendance is a must and this course is not a correspondence course. I have no obligation as to answering e-mails on private matters and carreer choices. Period.
It seems to me that you need to sit down and realize why in the first place you want to pursue college education, and in particular English language teaching. You are most welcome to contest against my grading policies, but please refrain from submitting emails on such serious agenda. I shall announce my policies in class and in public or if you prefer private counselling, I will be happy to make a further arrangement for possible appointments on Friday after class. Being physically in class is, however, a prerequisite on your part. Again, the class I am offering is not a correspondece or distance learning class. Writing requires continous revision, and demanding time and efforts are far beyond your imagination... Think of a swimming class, if you do not come to the gym or pool, you will never learn how to swim. PERIOD. You do not have to reply to this mail.
Masami YASUDA 7/3/05 modified an earlier mail 送信日時: 2004/09/13 (月) 17:21
送信日時:2004/05/29 (土) 1:19 以下は抜粋 編集済
To Whom It May Concern,
This is a grave memo on the attendance and homework policies. I regret to see that some cut the classes without ever telling me why's and neglect Group work, which is really cunning, to say the least. I do not mind, as I do not have to grade future papers from the absentees who gave up on their priviledges, and I know that as in the past, when it comes towards the end of the year, they will surely regret that they could not get the work approved for class credit. Many students are still working on the first theme, fearing when they might get that work OKed. If you delay submitting, you will never pass the course, either.
In essence, to be fair with diligent students in class, who have successfully demonstrated their work in the past couple presentations, reflecting much time and efforts and group collaboratation, and above all by my own moral and principles in grading, I thereby announce that those who cut and will cut the classes without a prior and reasonable notice and an approval from me are to loose their priviledges of having their future work graded. Your work shall not be graded, as I do not want to be unfair with the class.
If you have an objection to this principle, please announce your counter- views and 'execuses' or 'apologies', not to be addressed to me, but to the class and in particular to the group in public, that is in class. I do have a room to lend my ears to your say, but I shall make clear again my owm stand in public, as a teacher in charge of this class. We all love 'justice,' 'fairness,' and 'love and mutaual trust.' Those absentees have utterly betrayed my expectations and values of such virtues. They may not realize yet, the seriousness and mistruct felt by others. Hope they will remedy their wrong 'dependence' and immaturity, and publicly apologize to the class. I am not a god, nor a perfect person, but I do not like what I see in the last few classes. Almost everyone of you have announced in oral and written forms that you are to enter teaching profession, so that you understand what I mean. Education is probably one of the rare professional field where we can practice 'justice,' and share what is right and what is good, with colleagues and younger children.
I may have sounded too harsh in the above statements, but we are now approaching the next stage where you really have to learn new knowledge by attending the classes. Do not expect that you can submit the papers when you feel like attending, and have me grade your papers like some correspondence course.
Masami YASUDA 5/28/04
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