Blog / 2005-04-12


Freshmen English classses 041205

First classes for the spring 05
textbook:  Jericho Consipracy

VOA - News - Tsunami Disaster December 2004- MYasuda

This page has been visted by &counter([total|today|yesterday]); and 現在アクセス中 1 人

Things to do

  1. icons to change on HP, BBS, Yahoo eGroup
  2. BBS - paste Yahoo registration, eGroup registration and PR
  3. Quia - registration and invitation
  4. Quia quiz authoring for 'VOA tsunami'
  5. VOA tsunami - aaa.livedoor address to fix?

Lesson Plans

  1. Introduction
  2. Internet
  3. E-mail
  4. Quiz on tsunami
  5. Brain POP

  • Let's finish all these agenda in 30 minutes!! But I need a good coffee, too! -- myasuda 2005-04-12 (火) 00:25:26
  • I am pooped. Changed icons, main HP, BBS, but not quia quizzes. -- myasuda 2005-04-12 (火) 02:04:10
  • 認証必要 別のwikiengine site のMLテストでのwiki pages作成成功 やったよ。でもまだまだすることが多い。 -- myasuda 2005-04-12 (火) 02:24:43
  • field test report to browse: ここは認証不要。wikienginesのちょっとした違いに悩まされる。例:「|」と>など。 -- myasuda 2005-04-12 (火) 02:28:11
  • I am still behind the schedule. Need to create quia.quizz for TSUNAMI@VOA -- myasuda 2005-04-15 (金) 04:57:26

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