Adv-Comp 目次
Example prompts with model essays:
Copyright ゥ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.~
Copyright ゥ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.~
The Prompt:
A role model is a person you admire or look up to. Before you begin
writing, think about someone you look up to. Why do you admire this
person? Write a composition in which you explain to your classmates
whom you admire and why you admire this person.
The Model Essay:
A Ray of Light
She was a lost cause. No one could help her because she couldn't
see, hear, or speak. Why did Anne Sullivan think she could help Helen
Keller when no one else could? She took on a task that many people
thought was impossible: to communicate with Helen Keller and to bring
this blind, deaf, and mute girl into a world that she could never have
imagined. Anne Sullivan is the one of the people I most admire. Through
her determination, her ability to connect with a troubled child, and her
refusal to give up, she set an important example for all of us.
Anne Sullivan was an ordinary person on the outside; however,
her character reveals that her ordinary appearance was misleading. Her
greatest qualities were inside her. Anne was an intelligent woman who
could deal with all that life threw her way. In 1887, life gave her the
opportunity to meet her greatest challenge, Helen Keller. To be able to
cope with all that came with this job, she relied on her determination and
her loving and patient personality. No matter how grim others saw the
situation, Anne saw the little steps of progress in Helen; no matter how
long it took, she refused to give up her hope that someday Helen would
be able to function like other children.
I personally hold a great admiration for Anne Sullivan because
she connected with Helen Keller and made her life better. To truly touch
and brighten the life of a child is one of the most incredible achievements
that one could ever hope to reach. Helen had lived a life of complete
frustration, absolutely cut off from the world around her. Anne Sullivan
frustration, absolutely cut off from the world around her. Anne Sullivan
changed that. She taught a girl who didn't know anything about
relationships and love to communicate with a world she couldn't see or
hear. Helen Keller's life was changed for the better because one woman's
untiring efforts paid off. Anne Sullivan connected with her, as one human
being to another.
An accomplishment second only to touching the life of a child is
completing what most would consider an impossible task. Anne Sullivan
did both. Though many before her had tried to teach Helen and failed,
she began her task as though nothing could stop her. Even after several
minor failures of her own, Anne continued to push Helen and herself to
find a way for this little girl to know the outside world. She put in long
hours of frustration and hope in order to complete her task. Most people
in her position would have given up and left this poor girl on her own,
but Anne Sullivan was different: She put Helen before everything else.
By refusing to give up, she set herself apart from all others.
Bringing light and hope to a child, though many obstacles might
stand in your path, is something that few people accomplish. With her
never-ending patience and love, Anne Sullivan succeeded where others
had failed. She is an extraordinary role model for me because she is a
symbol of all that I hope to be and accomplish in my life.
On a 4-point scale, here's your score: 3
Yes, 3
This response demonstrates competent success with the expository writing task.
For the most part, the essay:
Our system has analyzed your essay for five important writing traits:
Study the statements that describe each trait to help you improve your writing.
Your essay shows competent ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows competent ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Copyright ゥ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Your principal is considering a new grading policy that replaces letter or
number grades on report cards with pass or fail. What is your position
concerning this issue? Write a letter to your principal stating your position
and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your
reasons in detail.
Copyright ゥ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Dear Principal Smith:
I have looked over your proposal for a grading policy that will replace
letter or number grades with pass or fail. I do not consider this a good idea
for our high school. A pass or fail grading system will make it harder for
our graduates to get into college, will create problems for teachers
accepting students into advanced classes, and will encourage more
students to slack off in school.
A pass or fail system will create a situation that makes it hard for
colleges to distinguish how much students have actually accomplished.
They might have 98s and 99s in all classes, but their transcripts will
simply say pass. This kind of grading situation will make it look as if our
high-achieving students have accomplished no more than any other
students, including those who make Cs under our current system. The
result is a major problem for college admissions officers. If they discover
that our system makes all passing students look the same regardless of
their real accomplishment in the classroom, colleges might begin to rely
more on SAT and ACT scores for pass-fail students who apply for
admission. In my opinion, SAT and other college entrance exam scores do
not measure a person's ability as a student. Certainly, they cannot measure
the hard work that goes into an A. Thus, when colleges have only
standardized test scores to go by, they will not really be able to identify
the most qualified students.
Aside from the problem with choosing qualified college students, pass
or fail grading will make it harder to place students in advanced courses in
high school. When students apply for admission to an Advanced
Placement class, the teacher will not be able to tell anything from their
transcripts, except whether the applicants "passed" previous courses. With
pass or fail grading, a student might have barely gotten by in a previous
class, but the AP teacher will have no way of knowing that. A problem
with fairness will result. Many students will likely sign up for advanced
classes that have limited enrollment, and some of the hardest-working,
most deserving students will not get in --- again because the new system
will have no way to distinguish them from their peers who just coast
through high school.
Finally --- and most important --- I oppose pass or fail grading because it
will encourage students to slack off. Since students will know that all they
have to do is pass, many will do just enough to get by. They will not care
that their efforts have earned a C in their courses because the transcript
will say nothing higher than pass. We already have too much of the
slacker mentality here. Just look at the large percentage of our students
who do not register for honors courses, do not qualify for even second or
third tier on our honor roll, and do not bother to apply for college. The
local newspaper batters us every year for this kind of inertia. Imagine how
much worse it will be when the incentive to achieve disappears --- and
when more and more of our students give in to the increasing apathy and
just quit trying.
Having a pass or fail grading system might seem like a good idea to
you, but it will hurt all our students in the long run. We will not learn as
much as we did in the past, since all of us will be affected by the
decreasing interest in high standards. Finally, this epidemic of just getting
by will damage our high school's reputation, and that is something no one
would want.
Respectfully yours,
Robert Gonzalez
On a 4-point scale, here's your score: 4
Yes, 4
This response demonstrates advanced success with the expository writing task.
The essay:
Our system has analyzed your essay for five important writing traits:
Study the statements that describe each trait to help you improve your writing.
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay: uses mostly meaningful and thoughtful ideas elaborates and supports most ideas with specific details, reasons, explanations, and/or examples
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Your essay shows advanced ability for this trait. For the most part, the essay:
Students will see the descriptors associated with the score their essays receive.
This response demonstrates advanced success with the expository writing task. The essay:
This response demonstrates competent success with the expository writing task. For the most part, the essay:
This response demonstrates limited success with the expository writing task. The essay may:
This response demonstrates emerging effort with expository writing. For the most part, The essay:
This response is unscorable for one or more of the following reasons. The paper may be:
#c-o-m-m-e-n-t-s deactivated 11/26/06
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