Adv-Comp / 2006-06-04

Adv-Comp 目次

Class (June 2, 2006) is to be cancelled due to my presentation

  • Confrence at top_r1_c1.jpg<--Wclick to bowse conference programs


  1. Abstract of the proposal<-WClick
  2. See for cancellation of the class 6/2/06 -<-Wclick
  3. - list of presetation<-WClick
  4. Itinerary<-WClick to jump
  5. Adv-Comp/2006-06-02<-WClick
  6. Adv-Comp/2006-06-03<-WClick
  7. Adv-Comp/2006-06-04<-WClick X Day, "Room & Equipment"
  8. Adv-Comp/2006-06-05<-WClick

My presentation day: 6/04/06

  • Yxxxa, Mxxxi, Kwansei Gakuin University (JAPAN)
  • Time: Sunday, 14:20 to 15:00 in Room C-302

Room & Equipment

What facilities are there for presentations? C-302??< Room C-302

Computer Labs

&size(20){ The computer labs range in size from 20 to 60 seats per room. A computer lab provides a Windows 2000 Pro workstation for each participant to work on. The presenter also has a Windows workstation with projector, DVD, CD, and an OHP camera for displaying powerpoint and other files and materials. Software includes Windows 2000 Pro, MS Office 2002, and Internet Explorer browser.}

Computer Lab: C301 and others

- Teacher's View, Rooms A201, C201, C202, C301, C302
 nolink, around, left, Teacher's View, Rooms A201, C201, C202, C301, C302

Computer Lab

- Student's View

Bookmarks for presenation


Power Point slides

Slideshow File: jalt2006-060406.ppt to download
Other File: JALTCALL032206.html
038 Presenter Surname: Yxxxa

Presentation Title:

Technology for teaching narrative EFL writing

in large university classes in Japan: an ongoing field study

  1. JALTCALL site<--- ppt and html
  2. infoseek site: myasuda2<--- Slideshow File: jalt2006-060406.ppt

Index sites

  1. infoseek site index
  2. ALTCALL site
  3. Frappr KGForum - bookmarks for PPT and others -- myasuda 2006-06-04 (日) 06:47:54

#comment() - deactivated June 1, 2009.