Adv-Comp / 2006-01-13

Adv-Comp 目次

FALL Syllabus

Adv-Comp Syllabus-FALL?

January 13, 2006

The very last class

- no assignemnts to grade??, please.

この日はまったく「儀式」。12月末の作文を返却する授業のみ? Academic calendarの変更によって、1月の授業は「儀式」化してしまった? As in the last couple years, we may meet at a nearby dinner, for a party! No class in classroom, but we shall meet at 18:30 for reflection!! 「サルでも反省できるわい!」

The last minute change - Announced in class on 12/16/05

Lecture Hall No. 4 第4別館 3階 305号教室

We have decided to meet at 17:00 at Room 305, Lecture Hall No. 4 (第4別館 3階 305号教室), to have you observe Freshmen English class where they will recite and narrate the video story of 8 minutes.

Party on 1/13/2006

Party - time and place TBA (to be arranged)

We have deiceded to throw a party somewhere in Nishinomiya. The arrangements are to be made in detail thanks to Ms. Fuyo Sxxx. Since we have to move down to Nishinomiya, after the 5th period, the time would be around 19:00, until 22:00 or so, or your curfew (門限)?

class rooster database

I have created a table for your party attendance. When time and place are finalized, you can edit your own data as to ' 出欠' so that our manager can tell how many will attend the party.

12/16/05 出欠 一覧 files - Yahoo Group site

■ファイルのダウンロード 認証必要 Yahoo group site - Do not click an icon

  1. folder
  2. 121605.html
  3. Rooster2005.txt

1/13/06 where to meet: ちゃんこ鍋奄美富士

We shall walk up to the front gate together, and take the bus and train, or the cab together? I have located the map for your info. 関学正門 18時半ですから、多分19時半には到着できるでしょうね。It is only 8.1 km from 甲東園 if we take a cab... .

Subject: ここです!メール ちゃんこ鍋奄美富士
661-0002 尼崎市塚口町3-38-59 06-6424-1322
地図URL: ちゃんこ鍋奄美富士

ちゃんこ鍋奄美富士 Mapfan web detailed maps -- Do not click an icon -

  1. map 期限あり
  2. Maps - Mapfan web map Spot it!

Yahoo group adv-compKG

Bookmarks and 出欠用 database - Do not click an icon -

  1. database 出欠用 認証要
  2. Parties - Bookmarks

Final grading at the party?

What about the grading on the final papers?

As for the essay, there will be no grading or correction. For those who wish to have a final checkup on other 'hopeful' assignments, please bring your papers to the party, and if time allows we can discuss the details as to which and what to submit. I am afraid that I can give you eleaborate individual corrections at the party, though.


Adv-Comp/FinalSubmit - Do not click an icon here -