Adv-Comp 目次
Adv-Comp Syllabus-FALL?
November 18, 2005
11/4/05 - 大学祭の休講のため順延
Adv-Comp/FinalSubmit - Do not click an icon here -
Assignment Name :
Write a pargraph of some incidents that are related in cause and effect: e.g. 911 terrorist attacks, etc.
chain reactions: What they are
Notes / Instructions : chain reactions (effects will in turn become causes in series of events or changes).
Web Companion page:KEYS TO SUCCESS (Prenice Hall)
What are the two most significant causes of change in today's society? Describe both and tell why they are agents of change.
Or, locate my syllabus page (FALL)
Chapter 11
Browse the following sections in Chapter 11 for 'cause and effect' assignment: Objectives, Article 1, Destinations, Essay Questions, Multiple Choice
Assignment Name :
Write a similar chain reactions of any incident in the world or in your personal life: e.g. 911 terrorist attacks, etc.
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