Adv-Comp / 2005-11-25

Adv-Comp 目次

FALL Syllabus

Adv-Comp Syllabus-FALL?

November 18, 2005

11/4/05 - 大学祭の休講のため順延


Adv-Comp/FinalSubmit - Do not click an icon here -

November 25, 2005

Unit 8 - cause and effect

Assignment Name :

Write a pargraph of some incidents that are related in cause and effect: e.g. 911 terrorist attacks, etc.

chain reactions: What they are

Notes / Instructions : chain reactions (effects will in turn become causes in series of events or changes).

Options for assignments

Chapter 11 on Keys to Success

Web Companion page:KEYS TO SUCCESS (Prenice Hall)

What are the two most significant causes of change in today's society? Describe both and tell why they are agents of change.

Companion Website - KEYS TO SUCCESS (Prenice Hall)

Chapter 11 -

Or, locate my syllabus page (FALL)

Chapter 11

Browse the following sections in Chapter 11 for 'cause and effect' assignment: Objectives, Article 1, Destinations, Essay Questions, Multiple Choice

Cause and Effect:

Chain reactions in Japanese


Assignment Name : 

Write a similar chain reactions of any incident in the world or in your personal life: e.g. 911 terrorist attacks, etc.

Basic grammar rules - one page scanned as jpg file

50RulesWritingGood.jpg in Arvhieves
