Somehow this thread has been updated everyday,
so we shall delete this thread and create a new one
due by the last class in July
This work shall be ready to hand in by the last class in July, as it has been announced already on two past wiki lesson plan pages on this site. No one seems to be doing this Group work, as I received no questions. I am quite disappointed.
No work, no credit.
This is a very simple policy for this course. No one can contest this, I hope.
Clustering - topic - El Nino
Click below and watch an animated image displaying one idea after another
「マインドマップとは、脳の可能性を引き出す万能のキーを提供する強力なグラフィックテクニック...。マインドマップは、 一つの他に類の無い強力な方法によって、言葉、イメージ、数、論理、リズム、色、 空間的知覚など大脳皮質の機能を最大限の範囲で利用します。これを行なうことにより、 ...脳の無限の広がりを放浪する自由を得ることが出来ます。...学習方法を改善し、思考をよりクリアなものにし、 人の能力を高めるものであり、人生のあらゆる側面に応用することができます。
1960年代の後半にトニー・ブザン氏によって発案されたマインドマップは、現在、世界中の脳をより効果的に利用しようと望む、 お年寄りから子供までの何百万もの人々に利用されています。」(引用 )
Outline Processors and Graphic Mindmap
すばらしいソフト 小生も長年Mac版を愛用 「アイディアプロセッサー」
上の図:OutlineとMindMap 関連図スケッチが連動、アイコン豊富
Vecotor sites - PDS、有料ソフト試用版、レヴュー
追加メモ 授業後:Kacis Writer Freeアウトラインプロセッサ機能を備えた文書作成・閲覧ソフト。一般的なワープロやアウトラインプロセッサが持つ文書作成機能に加え、画像やサウンドなどの取り込み機能、メモや脚注の追加機能などを備える。Macintosh版もあり、WindowsとMacintoshで互換性のある文書を作成できる。
IDNOs, and full names of ONLY the active and contributing membersThose who are NOT listed on the assignement cover sheet
shall lose privilege of receiving any grades for the Year. That is Good-bye, and ZERO grades on the trascript. Yes, zero grades for those who deserted and cheated on the Group. Period. --------------------------- No execuses, please, as we are not to meet until the end of summer break, by when no one cares to remember the faces of the disappeared and deserted students. 詳細は次を参照のこと
We all know that it is one thing to know about something, and that it is another to acutally performe or do it. Writing a good topic sentence is not an exception, either.
Regarding topic sentences, I thought you have already learned what they are, but it seems that some of you have difficulty in actually writing one. You spent so many hours reading papers relating Kaplan's notion of Contrastive Analysis of Rhtoric, but still struggling???
Here are a few sites!, Again? Yes, you can learn about the topic sentence. It is never too late to learn something new, but the summer break is coming in two weeks.
Incidentally, the above links and the like are bookmarked in the following.
and if you have NOT registered with Yahoo Group, you can not browse these bookmarks, let alone other important documents. Try to see if you can read the following. If not, then, you do not have a password, so to speak, yet.
which you can choose from the portal HP: (4-b)
#comment() deactivated 5/10/07
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