
Chapter 1. Solving Integration Problems Using Patterns

Chapter 2. Integration Styles

Chapter 3. Messaging Systems

Chapter 4. Messaging Channels

Chapter 5. Message Construction

Chapter 6. Interlude: Simple Messaging

Chapter 7. Message Routing

Chapter 8. Message Transformation

Chapter 9. Interlude: Composed Messaging

Loan Broker Example高木
Synchronous Implementation Using Web Services杉野, 角田,
Asynchronous Implementation with MSMQ和智 高江洲(〜Desiging the Loan Broker), 山下(〜Refactoring the Loan Broker), 瀬賀
Asynchronous Implementation with TIBCO ActiveEnterprise佐藤

Chapter 10. Messaging Endpoints

Chapter 11. System Management

Chapter 12. Interlude: System Management Example

Chapter 13. Integration Patterns in Practice

Chapter 14. Concluding Remarks