MPEG Streamclip / 1.3.1



MPEG Streamclip 1.3.1

Copyright © 2004-2005 Squared 5

  • MPEG-1/MPEG-2のPS/TS形式用コンバータ。
  • 再生と編集が可能
  • MPEG-2 カムコーダ、DVD/DVHSレコーダ、DVBセットトップボックス用
  • AVI & DIVX 出力

MPEG Streamclip でMPEG-2の再生やQuickTime, DV, AVI.へ変換するにはApple MPEG-2 再生コンポーネントが必要です。 Final Cut Pro 4/HD か DVD Studio Proをお持ちの場合はApple MPEG-2 再生コンポーネントは既にインストール済みです。それ以外の方はAppleのサイトで購入して下さい。QuickTime Proは必要ありません。―squared5 <> <>


このソフトはイタリアのSquared 5が書いたものです。アプリケーション内のコードは AC3デコーダ、DreamBox ・Topfield 5000*1向けツールを含めて全てオリジナルです。第三者のコードは、オープンソースで自由に使えるものを含めて一切使っていません。このソフトのデザインもオリジナルです。第三者のアプリケーションのリバースエンジニアリングは一切していません。このアプリケーションが動作するのは、旨く書かれているからであり、きちんと動作するのはソースコードを流用していないからです。


  1. プリセットマネージャ;コデックオプションがセーブできたが読み込めなかったバグを修正。
  2. AC3デコーダ;32 kHz ストリームで動作しなかったバグを修正
  3. プレファレンスの新しいオプション(Play streams with "user data")で、プレイヤに映像が出ないストリームに対応。仏のカナルサテライトで多かったもの。
  4. プレイヤの持続時間表示をより正確にした。
  5. 選択範囲の拡大にシフトキーコンビネーションを採用。
  6. バッチプロセス中に隠す(Command-H)を追加。
  7. アイコンのバウンス;バッチプロセスなどの終了時にMPEG Streamclip が「隠す」やバックグラウンドの際に。
  8. DreamBox用、"Rebuild" 機能。firmware 1.09との互換性向上。


  1. MPEG Streamclipから直接AVI (Video for Windows)出力; 要DivX 5.1.1 または 3ivx D4 または XviD, 音声は MPEG Layer 2 または Layer 3。これでDivX/XviD互換AVI作成可能。
  2. デュアルプロセッササポート;エンコード高速化
  3. エクスポート時に音声形式を選択可能にした。brightness, contrast, saturation, volume, ピクチャのzoomも可能にした。
  4. DVでクロップ可能にした。新しく "Scale" optionも追加。
  5. DivX, 3ivx, XviDの自動2パスに対応。設定をプリセットマネージャに保存可能。
  6. エクスポート中にプレイヤが消えないようにした。:新しいウィンドウでプレビューが出ます。
  7. "Better Downscaling"オプションの高速化。データブレークのあるトランスポートストリームのエンコードを高速化するには、プレファレンスのオプションをチェック(*日本語になってねぇ*)。
  8. フレームをTIFFで出力可能。
  9. M2Vとmuxできる音声形式をAIFFのほかにM1A,AC3に拡張。AIFF, M1A, AC3 を単独で開いて音声だけの変換に対応。また、MPEGトラック付きMOVを開けるようにした。
  10. Copy and Pasteコマンドの追加。同一/別のストリーム同士でクリップをカット、コピー、移動が可能。
  11. その他のバグフィックス;同一名称のコデックがあるとMPEG Streamclipが終了する問題など。
  12. DreamBoxとTopfieldで、複数ファイルの選択とアップ/ダウンロードを可能にした。ファイルの変更日は保持される。
    1. Topfieldではサブフォルダの内容を含めてフォルダ毎のアップ/ダウンロードも可能。転送速度も高速化
  • "Extras"フォルダの中身
    • "Save as AVI"(QuickTimeコンポーネント)。
      • QuickTime Proでエンコード抜きでAVI編集を可能にするもの。
    • "Install Two DivX Versions"
      • 同一システム上にバージョン違いのDivXを共存させるスクリプト(5.1.1と5.2.1など)。


MPEG Streamclip は動画ファイルコンバータ。以下に対応。

  • MPEG-1, MPEG-2
    • muxed (MPEG, MPG, VOB, PS, M2P, MOD, VRO, DAT)。(*MPEG-PS形式*)
    • transport streams (TS, M2T, MMV, REC, VID)。(*MPEG-TS形式*)
    • demuxed video and audio files (M2V, M1V, MPV, AIFF, AIF, M1A, MP2, MPA, AC3)

&font(b){Muxed ファイル(別名program stream)}は、EyeTV や ReplayTVのようなMPEG-1/2 DVR デバイスの録画形式。他にはDVDの中にVOB (Video OBject)ファイルという形で入っている。 &font(b){Transport streams}は、HDVやMVカムコーダ、DVHS,PVRセットトップボックスなど、多くのMPEG-2 デバイスの録画形式。Transport streamsはAppleの DVHSCap や VirtualDVHS などでインポートできる。 &font(b){Demuxed video files}はApple Compressorの標準出力形式。MPEG Streamclip では、これをmuxed fileか transport streamsに変換できる。 また、MPEG StreamclipはQuickTimeベースのプレイヤを含むので、変換前に再生できる。JKL navigation(*映像編集で一般的なキーボードショートカットらしい*)でIn/Outポイントを指定して、部分的な変換や抽出、またCut, Copy, PasteでCMカットや編集が可能。


;MPEG-2 ファイルやストリームを扱うには MPEG-2 再生コンポーネントが必要。

  • muxed/demuxedファイル/transport streams を QuickTime/AVIに変換。QuickTime互換ビデオコデック使用。各コデックのオプションも指定可能(無圧縮を含む)。変換にはYUV color spaceを用い、unscaled/2D-FIR scaling (bicubicより上) 対応。さらに motion-adaptive デインターレースと彩度のリインターレース、非圧縮音声と完璧なaudio/video 同期;
  • muxed/demuxedファイル/transport streamsをDV25/DV50を使ってDV streamに変換。変換にはYUV color spaceを用いて自動2D-FIR scalingを行う。さらにmotion-adaptive デインターレースと彩度のリインターレース、DV音声と完璧なaudio/video 同期;
  • 再生機能
    • muxed files;MPEG, AC3, PCM 音声(*AC3 音声はQuickTime Player Proでは再生できない*)
    • demuxed M2V files;単独またはAIFF, MPEG, AC3 音声と同時
    • transport streams;MPEG / AC3 音声付き(*これはQuickTime Player Proでは再生できない*)
    • 副音声付きファイル、4GB以上のファイル(*これはQuickTime Player Proでは再生できない*)、 セグメントに分割されたものも再生可能。

そうです: このソフトは MPEG-2 transport stream が再生できます (.ts, .m2t, .mmv, .rec, .vid)。 MPEG Streamclip以外でApple MPEG-2 再生コンポーネントを使ってもtransport streams は再生も読み込みもできませんが、MPEG Streamclipで使えば MPEG-2 再生コンポーネントでAC3 音声も再生できます (昔はできたんだけどね)。

その他、MPEG-2 再生コンポーネントが無くても使える機能;

  • transport streams を MPEG ファイルへ変換: Toast 6 と Sizzleで直接読み込める形式。
  • transport streamsをdemuxしてM2V と AIFF (or M1A) へ変換;DVD Studio Pro と Toast 6で直接読み込める形式。
  • transport streamsをdemuxして"unscaled" M2Vと AIFF へ変換;Final Cut Pro 4/HD と Final Cut Expressで直接読み込める形式。
  • M2V と AIFF, M1A, AC3 ファイルをMPEG ファイルへmux
  • transport streams と muxed ファイルの一部を抜き出してコピー;アーカイブ作成用。
  • 分割VOB ファイルを自動検出して結合し、TS か VID streamsに分割。
  • ファイルやストリーム中のtimecode breaksを検出・修正するコマンド

MPEG Streamclip は MPEG-1 と MPEG-2 映像、MPEG layer 1/2 オーディオ, AC3/A52 オーディオ、PCM オーディオをサポートしています。


Squared 5にメールを下さい。MPEG Streamclipの向上に最も役立つのは、もちろん、サンプルを送る事です(1MBあれば通常は充分です)。ありがたいのはサンプルをウェブサイトにアップロードするか、iDiskのファイルシェアです。ま、あればですけど。あといかなるものであれ、個人情報の入ったMPEGファイルはマズいです。


Fix streams with data breaks
ストリーム中のデータブレークを補正し、audio/video同期を回復。Export, Convert, Demux中に動作する。変換は多少低速になるが、TV放送のtransport streamsやdigital video tapeなどではオンにしておいたほうが良いだろう。
(*CaptyTVの録画ファイルはMPEG-2 PSだが、オンにしている。経験上はそのほうがトラブルが少ない。*)
Fast decoding of data breaks
data breakのあるtransport streamではエクスポートは永遠に終わらないでしょう。
このオプションでdata breakのデコードをスピードアップしてデコードの高速化が図れます。
このオプションが効果があるのはtransport streamだけです。
data breakが大量にあるmuxed MPEGのエクスポートの高速化は、"Convert to TS..."でtransport streamに変換し、TSファイルを開いてからこのオプションを使って下さい。
Play streams with "user data"
衛星放送のtransport streamの中には再生を妨げるjunk "user data"がある事があります(特に仏のキャナルサテライト)。この場合プレイヤは半透明になり、背後の5個の青い点が見えます。
このオプションにチェックしてストリームをもう一度開くと"user data"は上書きされ、再生や変換が問題なくできるようになります。
この設定が効果があるのはtransport streamだけです。問題の無い場合は使わないで下さい。
Don't open preview when exporting
QuickTime, DV, AVIへエクスポート中にプレビューウィンドウを開かなくなります。
いずれにせよプレビューウィンドウはエクスポート中でも終わった後でも、 ウィンドウメニューの"Show Exporter Preview"で開け、ファイルメニューの "Close" で閉じる事ができます。
Preview all frames
この設定にかかわらず、エクスポート時に "Make" をクリックした場合はサンプルのみの表示。
DV Playback Quality
QuickTime playerで DVムービー/ストリームを再生する際の再生品質。
MP2 Encoding Bitrate
MP2 (M1A)エンコードのビットレート指定。
"Convert to MPEG with MP2 Audio", "Demux to M2V and M1A", "Demux to M1A", "Demux to Headed M2V and M1A".
Device-Specific Settings
この設定はDreamBox 、Topfield 5000の所有者専用。


ファイルメニューの"Open Files"を選び、素材ファイル(複数可)を選んでOpenをクリック。 音声ファイルやMOVを開くには下にある"Audio Files" か "MOV Files"を選ぶ必要があります。 開ける拡張子は以下。

Video Files
.ts, .ps, .vob, .vro, .dat, .rec, .mpeg, .mpg, .m2p, .m2t, .m2v, .m1v, .mpv, .mmv, .mod, .vid;
Audio Files
.aiff, .aif, .m1a, .mp2, .mpa, .ac3;
MOV Files

ここでサポート外の拡張子の付いた MPEG ファイルは、ポップアップで "All Files" を選ぶと開けるかもしれません。

.m2v, .m1v, .mpv ビデオファイルの場合、同一名の .aiff, .aif, .m1a, .mp2, mpa, .ac3 ファイルがあれば同時に開きます。

そうしたファイルがが複数有った場合は、上記の順番の最初のものを開きます(つまり .aiff が最優先、.ac3 がどん尻です)。demuxed video や audio ファイルを開くのは時間がかかる事があります。進行状況表示が出るので、Command-. または Escで中断できます。

拡張子は大文字小文字を問いませんが、混合の場合は、Mac OS X 10.3以降が必要です。 AIFF ファイルは 16-bit uncompressedでsupported sample rateを持っていなければなりません。 MOV ファイルはMPEG トラックが入っている必要があります。

アイコンやプレイヤにdrag & dropでも対応ファイルは開けます。 この方法で開けるのは1ファイルだけで、複数をドラッグしてもそのうち一個しか開けません。 複数ファイルを一緒に開いたり、音声ファイルやMOVを開くには、かならずファイルメニューを使う事。

複数ファイルを選択する際には、かならず、同一のMPEG stream (通常は1GB以上)の一部を選択し、オープンファイルパネルの中で正しい順番に並んでいる事を確認してください(先に来るべきファイルが上になってるように)。 そうなっていない場合は、Name fieldの三角をクリックして順番を変える事。選んだ順番は関係ありません。表示されている順に読み込みます。

MPEG streamの一部であるファイルを一個だけ開いた場合、全ストリームを一緒に開くかどうか聞いてきます。 例えば:

  • VTS_01_1.VOB + VTS_01_2.VOB (DVD);
  • Recording.ts + Recording.ts.001 (DreamBox);
  • Movie_0501220105~0.vid + Movie_0501220105~1.vid (Humax).



ファイルメニューの"Show Stream Info" で情報表示が出ます。取得可能なデータは全て出ます。

#ref(): File not found: "READINGSTREAMINFO.png" at page "MPEG Streamclip/1.3.1"

  • "Video PID" ポップアップメニューは映像トラックのリスト。
  • "Audio PID" は音声トラックのリスト。
    • 変換されるのは選択された映像/音声トラックのみです。
  • "Trimming"の下の2列の時刻表示は、プレイヤに表示中の範囲を示します。トリムを行えば変化します。
  • "In" and "Out"の時刻表示で挟まれた区間がセーブ・エクスポート・変換の対象になります。:これらは現在の選択範囲を示す物です。

スクランブルや暗号のかかったストリームはサポートしていません。そうしたファイルを開いた場合の動作は予想不能です。しかし、部分的にスクランブルされたストリームでは、ノンスクランブルの箇所を開こうと試行します。成功した場合に限り、読み込み可能なサイズを info windowに表示します。


一個のMPEG streamの中には、複数の映像/音声トラックが入っている事が有ります(例えば複数言語)。 一個の映像/音声トラック(別名elementary stream)はPID(Packet IDentifier)という番号で管理されています。この番号に重複はありません。


Muxed MPEGファイルの場合、transport streamのようなPIDはありませんが、複数映像/音声があることはあります。それぞれは "start code"というもので管理されています。この場合も、PID ポップアップでstart codeを指定します。


AC3オーディオトラックは最大6チャンネル (L, R, Center, LS, RS, LFE)ですが、MPEG Streamclipが同時に再生/変換できるのは2チャンネルまでです。

"Audio Mode"ポップアップメニューで使うチャンネルを選択します。特に理由がなければ、デフォルトのStereo Mixになります。他の場合は下記の詳細を読んで下さい。

Stereo Mix
Makes a mix of L, R, Center (the 3 front channels) plus LS and RS (the 2 surround channels), it takes the mixing coefficients from the AC3 stream and produces a stereo sound in conformance to the A52 standard. The LFE channel is not included. Note that for AC3 2/0 (see below) this and the 3 following modes just pass the L and R channels unchanged.
Front Mix
It is the same as Stereo Mix, but it excludes LS and RS (the two surround channels) from the mix. Use it when the surround channels have bad sound. If the surround channels are not present, or were already excluded from the Stereo Mix (due to a zero mixing coefficient from the AC3 stream) then Front Mix produces the same sound as Stereo Mix.
Makes a Dolby Surround-compatible stereo sound. Using this special stereo sound, a Dolby Pro Logic amplifier with 6 speakers (5+1 subwoofer) may be able to reconstruct and play all the 6 channels of AC3. Use this mode only if your audio equipment has a Pro Logic decoder and can handle Dolby Surround.
L/R Ch.
Lets you play and extract the L and R channels as a stereo pair. All other channels are excluded. If both L and R channels are missing, the Center channel is used instead.
Center Ch.
Lets you play and extract the Center channel. All other channels are excluded. If the Center channel is missing, a mono mix of L and R is used instead.
Lets you play and extract the LS and RS (surround) channels as a stereo pair. All other channels are excluded. If LS and RS are missing but exists a S (center surround) channel, this channel is used instead. If LS, RS and S are all missing, the sound will mute.
Lets you play and extract the LFE (low frequency effects) channel, used to drive a subwoofer. This channel is optional even in AC3 3/2; if it's missing, the sound will mute.

You can use the last 4 modes to make 4 AIFF files holding all the content of the AC3 track. You can then put these files into A.Pack to make a new AC3 file with the same content; but make sure to disable A.Pack preprocessing option "Apply 90º Phase-Shift".

The number of channels eventually present in an AC3 stream can be deduced from the AC3 coding mode (shown using two digits separated by a slash or a plus sign). This is a list of all AC3 coding modes with their channels: – AC3 1/0: Center (mono) – AC3 1+1: L, R (dual mono) – AC3 2/0: L, R (stereo) – AC3 3/0: L, R, Center (3 front channels) – AC3 2/1: L, R, S (stereo + 1 surround) – AC3 3/1: L, R, Center, S (3 front + 1 surround) – AC3 2/2: L, R, LS, RS (stereo + 2 surround) – AC3 3/2: L, R, Center, LS, RS (3 front + 2 surround) Note that the LFE channel may be optionally present in all of these AC3 modes.


MPEG オーディオトラック (MP1, MP2)を、MOV, DV, AVI ,AIFFに変換する場合、"High Level" か "Low Level"か選べます。選択は"Audio Mode"ポップアップメニューで。デフォルトは"High Level"です。"Low Level"は、変換後の音が大きすぎる場合専用。


「選択範囲」はIn点・Out点に挟まれたムービーの一部分です。 In点・Out点の指定方法は以下。

  • Shift+再生ヘッドのドラッグ(In to Out またはOut to In)。
  • 再生ヘッドをIn (またはOut)点に合わせてShift+再生ヘッドをOut (またはIn)点までドラッグ。
  • 再生ヘッドIn点にしたいところまで動かしてキーボードの「I」、Out点まで動かして「O」。


#ref(): File not found: "MAKING A SELECTION.png" at page "MPEG Streamclip/1.3.1"

選択範囲のキャンセルは「X」。またはEditメニューの"Cancel Selection" 。他にキャンセルの手段は無いので覚えておいて下さい。

(*?*)Please note that, while the In point is included in the selection, the Out point is not included.

JKL navigation ("Playing the stream"にて後述)か、ナビゲーションボタンで再生ヘッドをIn点・Out点に移動できます。 左右の矢印キーは1フレーム移動。 上下の矢印キーはキーフレーム間移動。 左右の矢印キー+OptionでIn点・Out点に移動。


選択範囲を指定すると、その範囲をトリムできます。 トリムとは、一時的にIn・Out間の外側をカットするという事です。 ムービーを選択範囲にトリムするには、Editメニューの"Trim"を使います。 (キーフレームの位置によっては若干選択範囲より少なくなります) ここからさらに選択範囲を指定できます。 "Trim"が素材ファイルに影響する事はありません。 Editメニューの"Undo"で、直前のトリムを取り消せます。 これまでにトリムを全て解除するには、Editメニューの"Revert Trimming" を使います。

トリミングはムービー編集ではありません。単にプレイヤに表示する範囲(変換や編集の対象)を限定するだけです。 後から解除できるので、素材ファイルの一部を失う心配はありません。 また、編集した箇所をトリムで非表示にしてしまっても、編集結果が失われるわけではなく、単に非表示になっているだけです。"Revert Trimming"で再表示できます。

トリムをつかうと、streamを細かいパーツに分割して編集できます。例えば、非常に長時間のストリームで、最初の20分だけにトリムし、CMカットして"revert trimming"、次の20分にトリムしてCMカットする、など。


Edit メニューの"Cut"を使って、ストリームの選択範囲を削除できます(In点〜Out点間;あるいは、キーフレームの位置次第ではもう少し多くカットされます)。これはCMカットに使えます。カットは好きな回数だけ行えますし、複数箇所をカットした範囲をさらにカットする事もできます。 edit list(詳細は"Using the edit list"にて後述)で各カットの位置を確認できます。

"Copy"や"Cut"でコピーされたストリームの一部はストリームを閉じる際に保存されます。ですので、"Copy"→ストリームを閉じる→他のストリームを開いて"Paste"。といった事もできます。複数のストリームを結合する際は、このやり方が望ましい方法です。但し、対象ストリームは全部同じ PIDs, start code, audio/videoプロパティである必要があります(つまり、同じソースか、チャンネルから来た素材という事です)。

編集はMPEGレベルで実行されます。すなわち、映像は再構築され、音声は再シンクロされます。同一ストリーム内で大量のカットを行っても、Audio/video syncは崩れません。
編集は素材ファイルを置き換えません。編集結果の保存は、Save Asで新規ファイルに書き出す必要があります。
Editメニューの"Undo"で、直前の"Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Trim"の取り消しができます(一回だけ。複数"Undo"は未サポート)。全ての編集やトリムのundoは、Editメニューの"Revert All Changes"を使います。

フレーム単位の編集やトリムはできません。MPEGは映像をGOP(Group Of Pictures)〜通常0.5秒単位〜という形でパッケージにしているからです。MPEG StreamclipはこのGOPを開かないので、編集は約1/2秒単位になります。しかし、編集後のaudio/video syncは非常に高く、どれだけカットをしても通常、1/2フレームを超えないでしょう。このバージョンでは、トリムは選択範囲を「できるだけ多く」残す一方、カットは「最小限を除去」し、コピーは「最小限をコピー」します。編集やトリムが正確なのは、In/Out点が正確にキーフレーム上に打たれた時だけです。矢印キーの上下かEditメニューの"Go to Keyframe"を使って下さい。



MPEGストリームの中には不連続なタイムコードがある事があります(特にVOBファイル)。Editメニューの"Fix Timecode Breaks"で、MPEG Streamclipでこうしたストリームを正しく扱えるようになります。

このコマンドで複数のMPEGファイルを単一ストリームに結合できるケースがあります。しかしここでも、結合するファイルのPID, same start code, audio/video プロパティは同じでなくてはいけません。結合前に"Convert to MPEG"を試す価値があります。というのは、このコマンドはこれらのうちPIDと start codeをデフォルト値に直すからです。


The edit list contains a list of all the cuts you have made to the stream, and also all timecode breaks found by the "Fix Timecode Breaks" breaks command. To open it, please choose "Edit List" from the List menu. Precisely, the edit list shows all segments of the stream included between two cut points (or two timecode breaks). For each segment, the Start Time and the Duration are listed. If you double-click a segment, or click the "Select" button, the segment will be selected in the player. That is, the In and Out points will be changed to show the segment, and the playhead will be moved to the beginning of that segment.


You can open the log window using "Log Window" from the List menu. The log window records the start and stop time of each conversion, and all error messages. The window also shows the position of all data breaks eventually found during a conversion, and all timecode breaks found by "Fix Timecode Breaks"; when the option "Fix streams with data breaks" is enabled, the window may also show messages like "fixing video" or "fixing audio" that indicate where the stream has been fixed. If you click "Check Stream" you can start a stream check; like a conversion, this will find and list in the log any data break found. With the "Clear" button you can clear the log.


Use "Save As..." in the File menu to save a copy of the stream. If you set the In and Out points or trimmed the stream, only the part of the stream between the In and Out points will be saved; otherwise, the whole stream will be copied. If you have edited the stream, it will not be copied but it will be saved with editing instead. Multiple source files will be joined into a single destination file, which may be eventually larger than 2GB. All the video and audio tracks will be saved, regardless of the selected video and audio PIDs. Unless you have edited the stream: in this case, only the selected video/audio tracks will be saved.

NOTE: Squared 5 assumes that you have the legal rights to make a copy of the stream!


You can use this wonderful feature if you have the Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component (if you haven't it, this feature works only with MPEG-1 files). Select "Export to QuickTime..." or "Export to AVI..." from the File menu and the Movie Exporter or AVI/DivX Exporter window will appear. It will let you export the part of the stream between the In and Out points (or the whole stream if In and Out points have not been set). If you have edited the stream, it will be exported as it appears after editing.

These are the available settings:


Using the Compression pop-up menu, you can choose the video compressor to use. The menu shows a list of all QuickTime video compressors installed in your computer; you can choose any compressor from this list. The default compressor is Apple Motion JPEG A: it provides good compression and high quality for any frame size. But you can also use any DV or DV-HD compressor, and even the Apple Component Video (or the FCP 4:2:2) compressor which provides uncompressed video quality.


You can use the Quality slider to set the quality of compression, from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest or lossless).


If the video compressor has custom options, you can use the Options button to set them.


If the video compressor is DivX 5.1.1, 3ivx D4, or XviD, you can make MPEG Streamclip automatically perform two-pass encoding by enabling this option.


With the pop-up menus you can set the sound format, choose between mono or stereo, set the sample rate and, if supported, the bit rate. Supported sound formats are Uncompressed, IMA 4:1, MPEG-4 AAC (MP4), MPEG Layer 2 (MP2), and also MPEG Layer 3 (MP3) if you have installed DivX Pro 5.1.1. If you choose "Pass Thru" the original audio track of the stream (MP2, PCM or AC3) will be copied without changes in the MOV or AVI file. If you choose "No Sound", the exported file will have no sound.

Frame Size

A default frame size for the QuickTime or AVI movie, based on the chosen video compressor and the aspect ratio of the MPEG stream, will be proposed to you. If you don't like this choice, you can click and select a different frame size, and even enter any custom size between a small 32 x 32 and a huge 2048 x 2048.

Scaling is performed in the YUV color space, using a powerful 2D-FIR scaler. This scaler outperforms the built-in bicubic scaler of Final Cut Pro, bringing quite sharper pictures in less time. So, if scaling is required, It is recommended that you use MPEG Streamclip to make a scaled movie, rather than import the unscaled movie into Final Cut Pro and scale it there.

FIR scaling has excellent quality but it slows down the conversion. When scaling is not enabled, the conversion is fast; it is slow when either horizontal or vertical scaling is enabled; when both horizontal and vertical scaling is enabled, it's even slower. You can disable FIR scaling by choosing the "unscaled" frame size; however, DV codecs may still need to scale the picture using their own faster, low-quality scaling algorithms, resulting in a very bad video quality.

Scaling also includes some advanced TV standard processing. For instance, when MPEG Streamclip scales a 320 x 240 stream up to 720 x 480, it adds two 8-pixels wide black bars at each side of the picture, to conform to NTSC and PAL standards.

Field Dominance

This setting lets you choose the field dominance for the destination movie; it is automatically set to "Lower Field First" for DV and to "Upper Field First" for other codecs. Field dominance conversion is performed when the dominance of the destination movie is different from the dominance of the original MPEG file (visible in the Stream Info window). The field dominance is the order in which the two fields that form NTSC and PAL pictures, are displayed in a TV set. You may need to change the default setting, if the converted file has bad motion when played on TV.

Field dominance is not changed for progressive MPEG files, and for files whose height is up to 288 pixels (like most MPEG-1 files) because these files can't have a field dominance.

Limit Data Rate

You can enter a data rate limit for any codec that supports this feature. Select the correct unit (KB/sec or MB/sec) and enter a positive number. Decimal numbers are allowed. For most codecs, the data rate limit overrides the Quality setting.


In the field "%" you can eventually set a magnifying factor for the picture. With the field "X/Y" you can change the aspect ratio of the picture: the value 1.333 is good for 16:9 to 4:3 conversion, while the value 0.75 is good for the opposite conversion, from 4:3 to 16:9. A letterbox will be added, but you can remove it by entering in the field "%" a magnifying factor of 133.3 %. Finally, with the two fields "Center" you can move the picture center horizontally and vertically.


With this feature, you can crop any edge of the frame: you just have to enable it and enter the amount of pixels you want to crop from each edge. Even numbers are preferred. Negative numbers are allowed: in most cases, they will add a black border to the picture. When you use cropping, the frame size of the resulting movie will be changed; unless you enable the "Scale" option: in this case, the picture is stretched to fit the destination frame size. If you choose a DV frame size, the "Scale" option has no effect because the picture is always stretched.

Interlaced Scaling

If you are scaling an interlaced MPEG file to a different height, you can tell MPEG Streamclip to preserve interlacement and scale each video field separately by checking "Interlaced Scaling". If you don't, interlacement will be lost in the scaled movie, and, worse, you will get many visual artifacts. Never enable this setting with progressive MPEG files.

Interlacement requires a frame height of more than 288 pixels. If the frame height of the MPEG file is up to 288, interlaced scaling will not be enabled. If the frame height you have chosen for the QuickTime or AVI movie is up to 288 and you check "Interlaced Scaling", MPEG Streamclip discards the lower field before scaling the picture (i.e. it performs a fast field-dropping deinterlacing).

Better Downscaling

If you are scaling the file to a smaller frame size, by checking "Better Downscaling" you can tell MPEG Streamclip to use a wider 2D-FIR scaler, providing even better picture quality. However this wide 2D-FIR scaler is quite slow and the resulting picture (although perfect) may have less sharpness. This option is disabled by default: enable it only if you need a perfectly scaled movie.

If you are scaling the file to a larger size, this option has no effect; the standard 2D-FIR scaler already provides the best scaling quality.

Reinterlace Chroma

If you are converting an interlaced MPEG file, you may wish to "reinterlace" chroma. By checking "Reinterlace Chroma" you can enable a special remapping of 4:2:0 chroma so it will be split correctly between the two video fields. This is a very advanced option: only professional users may see the difference in the output movie. This option is now enabled by default; disable it when you are sure your file is not interlaced.

Deinterlace Video

If you have an interlaced MPEG file, you may also want to deinterlace it, usually to convert into a progressive format, get a "film" effect and have a better playback on the computer's display. When you check the option "Deinterlace Video", MPEG Streamclip enables a special motion-adaptive deinterlacer, and it deinterlaces the lower field in the parts that contain motion, and preserves video quality of all parts that do not contain motion; the upper field is left unchanged. This option slows down the conversion.

Please note that if you are changing the height of an interlaced stream (that is, you are telling MPEG Streamclip to perform vertical scaling) then you must enable either "Interlaced Scaling" or "Deinterlace Video" (at your own choice), otherwise you will see bad video artifacts in the converted movie.


The Adjustments panel lets you adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and volume. Adjustments take effect only if you click OK.


The Preset Manager lets you save on disk all the settings in the export window (including Options and Adjustments), and reuse them later. You can make a new preset with the button "New...", load the settings of a preset with "Load", store the current settings in an existing preset with "Save", and also rename and delete a preset, or move it up and down in the list with the arrow buttons.

Make Movie - Make AVI

When all your settings are OK, you can finally click the "Make Movie" or "Make AVI" button, choose the name and location of the MOV or AVI file, and MPEG Streamclip writes the movie to the specified location. While writing the movie, MPEG Streamclip takes sample pictures from it and decompresses them immediately; this lets you check the compression quality while encoding goes on: you can eventually stop the encoding and change some settings if the quality is lower than expected. You can disable the preview window in preferences, if you want.

To be clear: the pictures you'll see during the movie encoding are taken from the destination QuickTime or AVI movie, not from the source MPEG file: so you can really check the video quality of the QuickTime or AVI movie you're making.


If you just want to check the video encoding quality without actually writing the movie, you can click the "Preview" button instead of "Make Movie". MPEG Streamclip simulates the encoding process and takes sample pictures from the "virtual" destination movie. With this feature, you can fully adjust your compression settings before writing anything to disk. You can use the Window menu to resize the preview window and see the encoded frame at full size.


MPEG Streamclip makes an AVI 1.0 file, with all the limitations of this format (for example, the file cannot exceed 4GB). And many video and audio codecs are not supported in AVI files.

  • Supported video codecs are DV, Cinepak, DivX 5.1.1, 3ivx D4 and XviD.
  • You can download DivX 5.1.1 (or DivX Pro 5.1.1) from―: <> click to download the latest version (5.2.1 at the time of this writing) but when you are asked to select your operating system, choose "DivX 5.1.1 for Mac OS" instead of "DivX 5.2.x for Mac OS X".
  • DivX 5.2 and later no longer contains the DivX codec so you can't use it to encode AVI files with MPEG Streamclip. This is not a bug in MPEG Streamclip but a big limitation of newer versions of DivX. If you have already purchased DivX Pro 5.2.x, you can download the trial version of DivX Pro 5.1.1, by choosing "DivX Pro 5.1.1 for Mac (15 Day Free Trial)" and activate it for free (turning it into a non-trial version) using your DivX Pro serial number.
  • You can download 3ivX D4 (version 4.5 at the time of this writing) from <;> you can download XviD (version 0.5.1 at the time of this writing) from―. <> If you use DivX 5.1.1 or 3ivx you will make a DivX AVI file; if you use XviD you will make an XviD AVI file. 3ivX is usually faster than DivX.
  • The Motion JPEG codec (default in MPEG Streamclip) is supported only in AVI 2.0, so if you select it for AVI, this codec will be automatically replaced with Photo-JPEG (partially supported).
  • Supported audio codecs are Uncompressed, MPEG Layer 2 (MP2), MPEG Layer 3 (MP3), AC3.
  • The MPEG Layer 3 codec appears only if you installed DivX Pro 5.1.1 (or earlier); in any case, AVI files with MPEG Layer 3 audio can be played in QuickTime only if you installed DivX 5.0.6 or later. DivX Pro 5.2 and later no longer contains the MPEG Layer 3 codec: this is another big limitation of newer DivX versions.
  • MOV and AVI files with MPEG Layer 2 audio can be played in QuickTime only if you have installed DivX 5.2 and later (or DivX Pro 5.2 and later).
  • You can put AC3 sound in AVI file with the "Pass Thru" option, only if the sound of the source MPEG file is in AC3 format. To play the AVI file in QuickTime you need to install the AC3 codec, which can be downloaded from <>
  • The codec Apple IMA 4:1 is not supported in AVI files: if you select it, the µlaw 2:1 codec will be used instead (at least in this version of MPEG Streamclip). And the codec MPEG-4 AAC is not supported in AVI, too.
  • The AVI files will be created with a CBR (constant bit rate) audio header. If audio has not a constant bitrate, or if the sample rate is 44.1 kHz and the codec is MPEG Layer 2, a little audio/video sync problem may happen in very long movies. In this case you can write a VBR (variable bit rate) audio header using QuickTime Pro and the component "Save as AVI" which you can find in the "Extras" folder, bundled with this application (with this component you can also edit the AVI file and turn a MOV file into AVI). Not all players can play AVI files with VBR header.

Summing up:

  • To make and play an AVI/DivX file with the DivX codec and MPEG Layer 3 audio, you need to install DivX Pro 5.1.1 (which is not free).
  • To make and play an AVI/DivX file with the DivX codec and MPEG Layer 2 audio, you need to install both DivX 5.1.1 and DivX 5.2 (or later), they are free. You can install two different DivX versions (for instance, 5.2.1 and 5.1.1) in the same computer with the script "Install Two DivX Versions" which is located in the "Extras" folder, bundled with this application (please read the instructions carefully before using it!).
  • To make and play an AVI/DivX file with the 3ivx codec and MPEG Layer 2 audio, you need to install both 3ivx D4 and DivX 5.2 (or later), they are free.
  • To make and play an AVI/DivX file with the 3ivx codec and MPEG Layer 3 audio, you need to install both 3ivx D4 and DivX Pro 5.1.1, the latter is not free.
  • If you have any doubt, install all codecs: DivX (Pro) 5.1.1, DivX 5.2.1, 3ivx D4, and XviD.


You can use this feature if you have the Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component (if you haven't it, this feature works only with MPEG-1 files). Select "Export to DV..." from the File menu and the DV Exporter window will appear. This will let you export the part of the stream between the In and Out points (or the whole stream if In and Out points have not been set) as a DV stream. Again, if you have edited the movie, it will be exported with all your editing.

The Compression pop-up menu lets you select the video compressor to be used. You have three options: DV (DV25), DVCPRO25, and DVCPRO50. For iMovie, you must use the first one.

The Standard pop-up menu lets you select the standard to be used for the stream: PAL or NTSC. It is automatically set to PAL for 24, 25, 50 fps, and to NTSC for other frame rates, but you can change this default if you need to match the standard used in your iMovie or Final Cut project. The frame size is set to 720 x 576 for PAL and 720 x 480 for NTSC; the 2D-FIR scaler will be used if necessary.

Field dominance for DV streams is always lower field first, so there isn't a setting for this. Dominance conversion is performed when the original MPEG file is upper field dominant.

The "Interlaced Scaling", "Better Downscaling", "Reinterlace Chroma" and "Deinterlace Video" options have been already described in the previous paragraph. The setting "Resample Audio to 48 kHz" changes the sample rate of the audio track to the highest rate available for DV; it does nothing when the sample rate of the source stream is already 48 kHz. Please check "Split DV Stream in Segments" if you want to import the DV stream in iMovie. This options splits large DV streams in 1.9GB files; a 3-digit suffix is automatically added to the name of DV files following the first one.

The settings "Zoom", "Cropping" and the buttons "Presets" and "Adjustments" have been described in the previous paragraph. For "Zoom" the option "Scale" is not available because it does not apply to DV.

With the Preset Manager you can save the settings of the DV exporter. DV presets are listed together with MOV/AVI presets but you cannot load a DV preset in the MOV/AVI exporter and vice versa. Some settings are shared by all exporter windows (for instance, "Zoom", but not "Cropping"): if you load a preset in one exporter, these shared settings will be changed in all exporters.

The "Preview" and "Make DV Stream" buttons work in the same way as the "Preview" and "Make Movie" buttons of the Movie Exporter window; of course "Make DV Stream" writes a DV file and not a MOV file.

You can preview the video compression quality for a DV stream, too, and eventually change your settings before writing the DV stream.


You can export the frame shown in the player in a TIFF file using "Export Frame..." in the File menu. You can change the frame size (or choose the original size with "Unscaled") and you can set the options "Interlaced Scaling" and "Deinterlace Video" for interlaced streams. As usual, the picture will be resized with the 2D-FIR scaler.

The two options in "Pixel Aspect" make a little (nearly unnoticeable) correction to the picture aspect. Choose "Computer Graphics" if you want to use the picture in a computer graphics or photo application. Choose "Industry Standard" if you want to use the picture in a video application. These options have effect only if the frame size is 4:3 or 16:9.


The following commands do not require the Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component. Choose one of the "Convert to" or "Demux" commands from the File menu to perform the desired conversion or demuxing. Again, only the part of the stream between the In and Out points will be converted or demuxed; also, editing will always be included in the converted files. These conversions run as fast as possible and they are just limited by the hard disk speed and the audio conversion speed. When no audio conversion is required, they usually perform at the same speed of a Finder copy; with audio conversion they will run slower, depending on the processing speed of your Macintosh. Destination files may exceed 2GB, and will not be split. However you can change the In and Out points to make smaller destination files, if you need. All the files written by these commands (when In and Out points are the same) have the same duration, the same start and end time, and they are kept synchronized by a special time-detection technology. So you can perform multiple conversions and use the resulting files together.

This is a brief description of the available commands:

Convert to MPEG...
converts the stream into a muxed MPEG (program stream) file; if the frame size is suitable, you can import this file in Toast 6 or Sizzle and burn it directly, with no encoding time and no loss of quality. Audio is left in its original format (MPEG, AC3 or PCM).
Suitable frame sizes for DVD are 720x480, 720x576, 704x480, 704x576, 352x480, 352x576. If the frame size is not suitable, please try the "Convert to Headed MPEG" command instead. The "headed" conversion is not required for Sizzle. If Toast stops with an error before burning the file, please enable the option "Fix streams with data breaks" in preferences and try again.

IMPORTANT: please update Toast 6 at least to version 6.0.9. Previous Toast versions could alter audio/video sync of muxed MPEG files; this no longer happens in Toast 6.0.9 and later.
Convert to MPEG with MP2 Audio...
same as "Convert to MPEG", but converts AC3 and PCM audio into MP2 (MPEG) audio so you can play the converted MPEG file using QuickTime (to play MPEG-2 in QuickTime you must have the MPEG-2 Playback Component, of course).
Convert to Headed MPEG...
same as "Convert to MPEG" but adds a special header to the MPEG file that lets you import unsupported frame sizes into Toast 6 and skip recompression. However, DVDs made from "headed" MPEG files are not guaranteed to work with all players. Please DO NOT TRY to open "headed" MPEG files in QuickTime Player (it will crash). Also never try to burn a DVD from MPEG-1 or high-definition MPEG-2 with Toast 6 (it will hang).
The headed conversion shall not be used for Sizzle.
Convert to TS...
converts the stream into a transport stream file; this conversion has been improved and the TS file can be uploaded and played in most PVR devices.
Demux to M2V and AIFF...
demuxes the stream and creates an M2V video file and an AIFF audio file; if the frame size is suitable, you can import these two files in DVD Studio Pro or Toast 6, and burn them directly, with no encoding time and no loss of quality. The video and audio files have the same exact duration, the same start and end time, and are perfectly synchronized.
If you use the same name for the two files, you can double-click the M2V file and open both files in QuickTime Player (again, to open MPEG-2 files in QuickTime you need the Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component).
If the frame size is not suitable, please try "Demux to Headed M2V and AIFF". Note that DVD Studio Pro only accepts 720x480 e 720x576 frame sizes.
Demux to M2V and M1A...
demuxes the stream and creates an M2V video file and an M1A audio file (which holds MP1/MP2 audio); if the frame size is suitable, you can import these two files in DVD Studio Pro or Toast 6, and burn them directly with no encoding time and no loss of quality. For muxed files that have MPEG audio, this command runs faster than "Demux to M2V and AIFF", because no audio conversion is performed; also, the resulting files take less space in the DVD.
If the frame size is not suitable, please try "Demux to Headed M2V and M1A".
Demux to M2V and AC3...
demuxes the stream and creates an M2V video file and an AC3 audio file; if the frame size is suitable, you can import these two files in DVD Studio Pro or Toast 6, and burn them directly with no encoding time and no loss of quality. For muxed files that have AC3 audio, this command runs faster than Demux to M2V and AIFF, because no audio conversion is performed; and again, the resulting files take less space in the DVD.
You can't use this command if the audio track is not in AC3 format.
If the frame size is not suitable, please try "Demux to Headed M2V and AC3".
Demux to M2V...
demuxes the stream and creates an M2V video file. Use this command if you want to extract just the video track.
Demux to AIFF...
demuxes the stream and creates an AIFF audio file. Use this command if you want to extract just the audio track.
Use this command 4 times (changing the Audio Mode to "L/R Ch", "Center Ch", "LS/RS Ch", "LFE Ch") if you want to extract all the channels of AC3 audio.
Demux to M1A...
demuxes the stream and creates an M1A audio file. Use this command if you want to extract the audio track of a file with MPEG audio, and use it in DVD Studio Pro or Toast.
Demux to AC3...
demuxes the stream and creates an AC3 audio file. Use this command if you want to extract the audio track of a file with AC3 audio, and use it in DVD Studio Pro or Toast. You can't use this command if the audio track is not in AC3 format.
Demux to Unscaled M2V and AIFF...
demuxes the stream and creates an "unscaled" M2V video file and an AIFF audio file; you can import these two files in Final Cut Pro 4 or HD (and also in Final Cut Express if you have the MPEG-2 component); usual rendering time is required. Please DO NOT use drag & drop to import the files (Final Cut may crash due to an internal bug), but open the M2V file using the File menu and the AIFF file will be automatically linked (if you used the same name for the two files).
The "unscaled" M2V file is a demuxed file which tells QuickTime and Final Cut to not prescale it, e.g. to 720 x 540; it preserves its original size e.g. 720 x 576 or 720 x 480 so you won't lose quality when you render it. This is a special feature of MPEG Streamclip.
Demux to Headed M2V and AIFF...
same as "Demux to M2V and AIFF" but adds a special header to the M2V file that lets you import unsupported frame sizes into DVD Studio Pro or Toast 6 and skip recompression. Again, DVDs made from "headed" M2V files are not guaranteed to work with all players. Please DO NOT TRY to open "headed" M2V files in QuickTime Player (it will crash); and DO NOT TRY to play the beginning of the M2V in DVD Studio Pro (it will quit suddenly). Also never try to burn a DVD from MPEG-1 or high-definition MPEG-2 with Toast 6 (it will hang) or DVD Studio Pro (it will not multiplex it).
Demux to Headed M2V and M1A...
same as "Demux to M2V and M1A" but with the "headed" M2V file that lets you import unsupported frame sizes in DVD Studio Pro and Toast 6.
Demux to Headed M2V and AC3...
same as "Demux to M2V and AC3" but with the "headed" M2V file that lets you import unsupported frame sizes in DVD Studio Pro and Toast 6. You can't use this command if the audio track is not in AC3 format.
Demux to Headed M2V...
same as "Demux to M2V" but with the "headed" M2V file that lets you import unsupported frame sizes in DVD Studio Pro and Toast 6.

A warning message will tell you if there are data breaks in the stream. A data break means that the stream is corrupted.
If the file being converted has data breaks, audio/video sync may be lost. In this case, please enable "Fix streams with data breaks" in preferences before doing the conversion, and MPEG Streamclip will try to recover A/V sync.


If you have the Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component, you can use this application to play MPEG-2 muxed files with MPEG, AC3, PCM audio, demuxed M2V files with AIFF audio, and transport streams with MPEG or AC3 audio. If the Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component is not installed in your computer, you can only play MPEG-1 files. Playback of MPEG-2 files requires a Macintosh with a fast G4 processor (especially when playing files with AC3 or PCM audio); please do not expect to get full frame rate playback on a G3 computer. Open a stream, and then start playing it in the usual ways: double-click the picture, or hit the space bar on keyboard, or click the play button ▶.

You can also start playback using the L key, since the player supports JKL navigation. This is a quick explanation of JKL navigation: the L key starts forward play at 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x... doubling forward speed (or halving backward speed) each time you hit L; the J key starts backward play at -1x, -2x, -4x, -8x... doubling backward speed (or halving forward speed) each time you hit J; the K key stops playback.

You can use the up and down arrow keys to reach the previous or next keyframe (the first I-frame of the GOP); also, you can use the command "Go to Keyframe" in the Edit menu to get to the nearest keyframe. The other two arrow keys, as usual, move the playhead by one frame. Yo can also move through frames using the scroll wheel of your mouse, if you have it (the Option key makes scrolling faster).

You can also use the up and down arrow keys to set the sound volume. Command+ Up/Down or Ctrl+ Up/Down increases/decreases the volume; Command+ Shift+ Up or Ctrl+ Shift+ Up raises volume above its maximum; Option+ Up/Down turns sound on/off.

There are 5 navigation buttons under the player; this is how they work: ▶: starts/stops forward play at normal speed; ▷: starts forward play; doubles forward speed at each click (same as L key); ◀: starts backward play; doubles backward speed at each click (same as J key); ▶▶: jumps 10 seconds forward (same as Page Down); ◀◀: jumps 10 seconds backward (same as Page Up); Option+ ▶: starts repeated playback of the current selection, from In to Out (same as Option-K); Option+ ▷: starts slow motion; halves slow motion speed at each click (same as Option-L); Option+ ◀: starts backward slow motion; halves slow motion speed at each click (same as Option-J); Option+ ▶▶: jumps 1 minute forward (same as Option-Page Down and Ctrl-Page Down); Option+ ◀◀: jumps 1 minute backward (same as Option-Page Up and Ctrl-Page Up). If you hold down the Shift key, you can extend the selection with the four arrow keys, Page Up/Down, the ▶▶ and ◀◀ buttons or the scroll wheel.

You can play a file or stream even while you are exporting, converting or saving it: however, in this case, both the playback and the conversion will slow down. Please select the correct audio and video PIDs before playing a stream with multiple audio or video tracks; if you don't, a default audio and video track will be played. You can resize the player window using the commands in the Window menu.

If you open an MPEG-2 file or stream, but you have not installed the MPEG-2 Playback Component, an empty player will appear. It won't play anything but it will let you set the In and Out points for the conversion.

The Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component cannot play files larger than 4GB. For this reason, MPEG Streamclip has to play large streams in blocks of 4GB max; consequently, at each 4GB boundary, audio and video may stop for a while.


If you want to use batch processing, please open the batch list using the List menu. The batch list shows a queue of tasks that will be executed when you click the Go button. If you have many files you want to convert, you can click the "Add Files" button, or drag & drop the files into the batch list. You will be asked to choose a task and a destination directory. For export, you will also need to enter the export settings; if the files don't have the same frame size, rate, and aspect, you will be asked for export settings several times. PIDs for the conversion will be chosen automatically for each file. Loading all files in the batch list may take time: you can stop the process with with Command-. or Esc, if necessary. But there is another way to fill the batch list. In fact, while the batch list is open (even when hidden by other windows) every conversion you choose in the File menu will be added to the batch list instead of being performed immediately (so remember to close it when you want to do an immediate conversion). This includes Save As, Export to, Convert to, Demux to; and even Download and Upload from/to supported PVR devices. The source stream used is of course, the one shown in the player. If you add tasks this way, all editing, trimming, In/Out points, and chosen PIDs, will be saved in the batch list; thus a batched conversion gives the same results as an immediate conversion. If you then make further changes to the source stream in the player, these changes do not affect editing, trimming, In/Out points, and PIDs stored in the batch list. And you can even close the stream and open another stream in the player if you want; all conversion data will remain in the batch list until you delete the task or quit the application. You can start batch processing with the "Go" button. The button's name will change to "Stop", if you click it again, processing of further tasks will be stopped but the currently running task will continue till completion. To stop the running task and all subsequent tasks, you can use the "Stop" button in the progress window. The initial status of a task is "Waiting". If you click the "Hold" button you can change the status to "Held" and then back to "Waiting". When a task is "Held" it will be skipped during batch processing, but it remains in the batch list. Once executed, the status of a task changes to "Completed"; if unsuccessful, the status reports the error message. To execute the task again, you need to change the status back to "Waiting" by using the "Repeat" button. You can change the processing order of tasks by selecting one task and using the "Up" and "Down" buttons. You can remove a task from the list using the "Delete" button, or all tasks using the "Clear" button.


The DreamBox ( <>) is a DVB set-top box. It comes in several versions (all for satellite), with or without the hard disk. The Enigma menu allows MPEG Streamclip to connect directly to the DreamBox, through the Ethernet interface. To enable this menu, please enter the IP address of your DreamBox in MPEG Streamclip preferences. You have to enter the password only if different from "dreambox".

If you select "Files...", the "Enigma Files" window will open, showing the files that are in the "movie" folder of the DreamBox hard disk. You can update the file list at any time with the "Refresh" button. If you click the "Open" button (or double-click a file), you can open and immediately play a file in the player, you don't need to download it before. With the "Upload" and "Download" buttons you can upload/download one or more .ts files to/from the DreamBox. Using "Upload" you can also upload to the DreamBox, the stream that is currently in the player, from In to Out. The stream will be automatically converted to .ts while uploading. And, since you can open any DreamBox file in the player, this means that you can even upload to the DreamBox a DreamBox file, eventually after editing or trimming, without passing through your Mac's hard disk. If the batch list is open, or if you select more than one file, Upload and Download tasks will be added to the batch list so you can execute them in batch. Once the .ts file has been uploaded, you need to update the movie list that is in the "recordings.epl" file. This procedure can be done by clicking the "Rebuild" button and forces the DreamBox to reboot. For this reason, uploading a file in the "movie" folder is not recommended: you would better use the the "lost+found" folder for uploaded files, and leave the "movie" folder for TV recordings. In the Enigma Files window, you can go to the "lost+found" folder with the "lost+found" button and, with the "movie" button, you can go back to the "movie" folder; in the DreamBox, you can go to the "lost+found" folder in File mode, by choosing "Root" (red key on remote), then "harddisk" and "lost+found/". With the "Delete" button you can delete a file from the DreamBox. You will be asked 3 times for confirmation. One of these three messages will contain a mini-player that will let you see the .ts file for the last time, and realize what you are going to delete. You can disable the player by holding down the Option key while you click the Delete button; this can be useful if, for some reason, MPEG Streamclip hangs before the player appears.

If you select "Recorder", the "Enigma Recorder" window will open, and, if the DreamBox is on, the name and the screenshot of the current TV channel will appear, eventually with the OSD (on-screen display). Also, a remote control for the DreamBox will appear. With the "Start Box Recording" button you can remotely start/stop recording on the DreamBox hard disk. A red signal near the button will tell you whether a recording is in progress. With the "Start Mac Recording" button you can start recording on your Mac's hard disk. You will be asked to choose a folder and a name for the .ts file to be recorder; however, to make this procedure faster, MPEG Streamclip goes to the last folder used for recording and proposes a unique file name, using the channel name and the current date and time. This feature is just what you need to use MPEG Streamclip with a DreamBox that has no internal hard disk. In both cases, the TV channel shown in the window is the same shown by the DreamBox, and not necessarily the one being recorded; you must avoid changing channel while recording on Mac, because the data flow may stop. You can't start recording on Mac and on DreamBox at the same time. Enigma Recorder, used with the DM-7000, requires at least the 1.08 firmware; the remote control requires at least the 1.09 firmware.

If you select "Web Interface" the browser "Enigma Web Interface" will appear. This browser has limited functionality, but enough to operate the Enigma web interface. It is powered by Safari. With the "<" and ">" buttons you can go to the previous and next page. The "Reload" button reloads the web interface, while the "Refresh" button reloads the current page.

If you select "Easy Firmware" the window "Enigma Easy Firmware" will open. This window lets you update the firmware in the flash ROM, and install multiboot images in a USB stick connected to the DreamBox. Enigma Easy Firmware has been included in MPEG Streamclip only for your fun: Squared 5 does not take any responsibility for proper or improper use of this tool, and for any consequent damage that might happen. When you open it, the window shows some data like the presence of DreamFlash, the name of the active image, the size of USB stick, and the names of multiboot images eventually installed on USB. You can update these data at any time using the "Refresh" button. With the "Update Firmware" button you can install a firmware image in the flash ROM. Please keep DreamUP and Virtual PC ready: if the update fails you might need them. The button "Backup Firmware" will let you recover the firmware stored in the flash ROM and will store it in a .img file. With the "Install DreamFlash" and "Remove DreamFlash" buttons you can install or remove the DreamFlash plugin, required for starting multiboot images. For the firmware 1.09 you must use DreamFlash 2.5 or later; for the firmware 1.08.x you must use earlier versions of DreamFlash (2.0 through 2.3a). Please click "Install DreamFlash" and follow the instructions. When DreamFlash is installed, don't forget to configure it by pushing the blue key of your remote control, and choosing "DreamFlash". Select "USB Stick" and don't change any default setting. DreamFlash is a copyright of Mechatron and is therefore not included in MPEG Streamclip; you can download it from:―~mechatron <> With the "Backup Settings" and "Restore Settings" buttons you can respectively save on your Mac the settings of the currently active image, and restore the previously saved settings in the active image. Of course you can use "Restore Settings" to load one image's settings in the other images. Settings are stored in a .tgz file and they include only basic settings of Enigma. If you need to save/restore more settings, you can use the software DreamXman. Note that "Restore Settings" will force the DreamBox to reboot. With the "Format" button you can format the USB stick, completely erasing all its content. You will be asked twice before proceeding. With the "Install Image" button you can install a multiboot image in the USB stick. The procedure is automatic and you don't have to use your remote control. Also, some essential settings (like IP address and language) are automatically copied from the active image to the installed image. The list of installed images will appear on the DreamBox display at reboot, and you will be able to choose the image to be used with your remote control. With the "Rename Image" button you can change the name of installed images, while with the "Delete Image" button you can delete an image and its settings. Finally, the "Reboot Box" button will let you reboot the DreamBox: useful if you want to activate another firmware image.


The Topfield TF5000PVR/TF5500PVR ( <>) is a DVB set-top box. The TF5000PVR comes in two versions: one for satellite and the other for terrestrial TV. The Altair menu allows MPEG Streamclip to connect directly to the Topfield TF5000PVR/TF5500PVR, through the USB interface. To enable this menu, please select "Enable Altair" in MPEG Streamclip preferences. The software "MacTF" is no longer needed.

If you select "Files...", the "Altair Files" window will open, showing the files that are in the "\DataFiles" folder of the Topfield hard disk. You can update the file list at any time with the "Refresh" button. If you click the "Open" button (or double-click a file), you can open and immediately play a file in the player, you don't need to download it before (for smooth playback, you must have an USB 2.0 port on your Mac). With the "Upload" and "Download" buttons you can upload/download one or more .rec or .ts files to/from the Topfield. Using "Upload" you can also upload to the Topfield, the stream that is currently in the player, from In to Out. The stream will be automatically converted to .rec while uploading. And, since you can open any Topfield file in the player, this means that you can even upload to the Topfield a Topfield file, eventually after editing or trimming, without passing through your Mac's hard disk. You can change folder, if you wish: with the "Up" button (or double clicking "..") you can go up to the parent folder, with the "Data" button you can go back to the \DataFiles folder, and if you want to go into a subfolder, just double-click it. In the \DataFiles folder and in its subfolders you can only upload/download files with the .rec extension. In the other folders, with the Upload and Download buttons you can upload/download files with any extension. For instance, in the \ProgramFiles folder you can upload .tap files, while in the \MP3 folder you can upload .mp3 files. And you can even upload and download a folder with all subfolders. If the batch list is open, or if you select more than one file or an entire folder, Upload and Download tasks will be added to the batch list so you can execute them in batch. The Altair menu has an option called "Turbo", enabled by default, which gives higher data transfer rate. When Turbo is enabled and a data transfer (download, upload, high-speed playback) is in progress, the Topfield does not respond to the remote control: in this case, if you want to use your remote, you have to disable Turbo. But please note that, unlike what happens in Altair.exe or MacTF, with Altair Files you can enable and disable Turbo at any time, even in the middle of a data transfer. The change takes effect in a few seconds. Also note that you don't have to disable Turbo when there is no data transfer: Altair Files does it for you. With the "Delete" button you can delete a file from the Topfield. You will be asked 3 times for confirmation. One of these three messages will contain a mini-player that will let you see the .ts file for the last time, and realize what you are going to delete. You can disable the player by holding down the Option key while you click the Delete button; this can be useful if, for some reason, MPEG Streamclip hangs before the player appears. Still using the Delete button, you can delete an entire folder and all the files and folders contained in it. But you have to hold down the Option key while you click Delete, and again, you will be asked three times for a confirmation. Please note that some folders, like \DataFiles, cannot be deleted. With the "Rename" button you can change the name of files and folders. But you can't change the file extension. With the "Folder" button you can create a new subfolder in the current folder. A default name will be proposed to you: to change it, you can click "Rename" in the window that will appear.

Altair Files does not make use of any portion of code from MacTF or Altair.exe. In fact, the I/O system included in Altair Files (and developed by Squared 5) is much more powerful than those found in MacTF or Altair.exe, and it can handle up to 3 different streams from/to the Topfield at the same time (download+ upload+ playback). And the user interface is more comfortable and responsive. Also, Altair Files is more reliable than MacTF. Please note that MacTF cannot be used while Altair Files is running.


MPEG Streamclip is compatible with FireWire, Ethernet, USB and DVD devices like Elgato EyeTV digital video recorders, ReplayTV digital video recorders, the Humax PVR-8000 set-top box, the Panasonic SV-AV100 camcorder, the JVC Everio camcorder, the Sony T1 camera, the Panasonic VDR-M70 and the Hitachi DZ-MV230 camcorders. Please send your compatibility report to Squared 5 if you have another set-top box, digital video recorder, camcorder or camera.

MPEG Streamclip is also compatible with MPEG-2 devices supported by DVHSCap and VirtualDVHS (free applications available from Apple as part of the FireWire SDK for developers); namely, the Sony IP7/MicroMV, the Sony HDR-FX1, the JVC GR-HD1 camcorders; the JVC HM-DH30000U and the Mitsubishi HD-2000U video cassette recorders (to be confirmed); the Samsung SIR-T165 set-top box. If you have one of these devices, please connect it to the FireWire, use DVHSCap or VirtualDVHS (whichever works better) to capture the M2T file, then use MPEG Streamclip to convert the M2T file into a more useful format; and don't forget to send your feedback to Squared 5 so this section of the Guide will be updated with more information.

Of course, a complete list of compatible devices is not possible since MPEG Streamclip can work with a wide range of MPEG devices and recorders. However, all known compatible devices have been listed here.

If you have a DVD and you want to play or convert its content, please open one or more VOB files from the VIDEO_TS folder.

This application does not read encrypted VOB files. Implementing DeCSS takes about 10 minutes and just a few lines of code, but this would lead to improper use of this software. Squared 5 decided not to include DeCSS. This application is intended for legal use only.


MPEG Streamclip can be localized. Currently, the only available localizations are English and Italian (both by Squared 5). You can add a localization for your language. Control-click the application in Finder and select "Show Package Contents" (well, if you have a localized Finder, the sentence "Show Package Contents" appears in your language...). Open the "Contents" folder and then the "Resources" folder. Duplicate the "English.lproj" folder and rename it to your language's name in English (for instance, "Spanish.lproj", "German.lproj", "French.lproj" etc...) then open the renamed folder; rename the file "Localizable(disabled).strings" to "Localizable.strings", open it in a text editor which supports Unicode (TextEdit is OK) and localize it by translating the right-hand strings. Then you can translate the other text files included in the same folder, if you want (of course, translating this user guide may be very hard!). When you are done, you can run MPEG Streamclip to test your localization. Eventually, you can enable or disable a localization in the Info window that the Finder shows for the application.

MPEG Streamclip loads the strings for the user interface from the Localizable.strings file. DO NOT localize or modify the .nib file: If one of the translated strings does not fit a field in the user interface, either shorten it or ask Squared 5 to enlarge the field. If you succeed in translating at least half of the Localizable.strings file (even from an earlier version of MPEG Streamclip), then you can submit your localization to Squared 5 ( <>). By submitting a localization, you implicitly grant Squared 5 the right to include your localized files, in whole or in part, and for free, in the next versions of this software, and the right to report your name and (if possible) your e-mail address here and in Preferences; and also the right to arbitrarily modify your files, mix them with the contents of other files, or discard them and eventually choose another localization, at any time.


There is no support for this free application, however you can write and ask your questions to Squared 5 ( <>). I will answer only if I have time. Even if you have no questions to ask, please give your feedback because this will be helpful for me in order to improve this application.


Please report any bug you find in this application to Squared 5 ( <>). Even if you get no answer, the bug will be investigated and eventually fixed in the next version.



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*1 EUのHDレコーダらしい