Skirmish at Echo Ridge

Skirmish at Echo Ridge

Skirmish at Echo Ridge

Start Text

Your previous investigations are proof that the Echo Ridge Mine needs purging. Return to the mine and help clear it of kobolds.

Waste no time, [Name]. The longer the kobolds are left unmolested in the mine, the deeper a foothold they gain in Northshire.

Quest Objectives

Kill 12 Kobold Laborers, then return to Marshal McBride? at Northshire Abbey.

Progress Text

I know it's bloody work, [Name], but it's vital to the safety of Northshire. Are you ready to report?

End Text

Once again, you have earned my respect, and the gratitude of the Stormwind Army. There may yet be kobolds in the mine, but I will marshal others against them. We have further tasks for you.

Echo Ridge(エコーリッジ)での小ぜり合い


あなたの前回の調査によってEcho Ridge Mine(エコーリッジ鉱山)でコボルドを一掃する必要があることがわかりました。鉱山に戻ってコボルドを掃討するのを手伝ってください。


12匹のKobold Laborerを倒す。その後Northshire Abbey(修道院)のMarshal McBride?(マクブライド司令官)の元に戻る。




もう一度 私の尊敬とStormwind軍の感謝をあなたにささげます。鉱山にはまだコボルド達がいるかもしれませんが、別の兵隊を向かわせましょう。あなたには新たな仕事をお願いしたいのです。

Elwynn Forestのクエスト一覧へ



Elwynn Forest


2006-10-18 2006-10-20 2006-10-18 2006-10-23 2006-10-26 2006-10-30 2006-11-10 2006-10-19 2006-10-20 2006-10-18 2006-10-27 2006-10-25 2006-11-02 2007-03-13 2006-10-18 2006-10-26 2006-10-18 2006-10-30

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