Trade System

Trade System

In game, there is a Bourse in each city where you can sell and purchase goods. Smart players purchase special local products in a city, portage and sell them to other cities and make rich profit from it. However, the profit is not everlasting. The demand for certain goods in the city could be changed. The price will reduce when the supply exceeds demand and vice versa. The fashion period is another factor that affects on the price. On the fashion period of a merchandize, the price will rise substantially and not be affected by the relationship between supply and demand. The Eloquence grade will affect the variety of goods you can buy and the selling and purchasing price. The profit and Eloquence experience are in direct ratio. Sell or purchase goods in the bourse will increase the player’s Eloquence experience and Structure experience. (But selling the goods which was given by others or picked up on the way will not increase your experience.) The Amity Degree to the city affects the tax rate.





2022-03-24 2008-03-04 2012-12-20 2008-11-05 2007-03-11 2010-03-15 2015-04-15 2014-10-29 2014-07-27 2014-07-26 2014-03-06 2013-04-03 2013-04-02 2012-07-17 2010-03-17 2010-03-16


求人 アルバイト dvd 就職 無料動画 就職 dvd比較 外国映画 アルバイト

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