City Battle

City Battle

1. Apply for City battle Permission

1.1 Requirement:

1) Applicant: Guild Leader 2) The guild hasn’t run for a City battle in other ports. 3) The guild hasn’t engaged in other City battle schedule. 4) The guild that dominates the port can’t participate in the Election in this city. 5) The relationship between the attacker and defender should be in opposition.

1.2 Procedure:

1) Click the NPC King, you will see an option: Run for a Territory Contest. 2) Click the option and type in your Fund for Election. 3) If there were several players participate in the Election, there will be a “ranking” option in the NPC dialogue menu. Click this option to check the ranking. 4) When an Election Term finishes, the first guild on the Fund Ranking will gain the opportunity to take part in the City battle. 5) The players who gain the opportunity to take part in the City battle will obtain an Elementary Battle Depot ship.

1.3 Run for a City battle

1) Invest the Election for Territory Contest. When Click NPC King, the King will say: Our country is tied up with affairs and disturbed by the rampant pirates. So I, the sovereign, decide to entrust a guild to govern some ports in our country. In order to prove the guild’s strength, we will hold a City battle for the guilds to contest for the authority to govern the ports every week. The guilds that want to obtain the authority have to invest their Election. We will entrust the authority to the guild which has the largest amount of Election Fund.” Then the player input the sum of Fund. The sum shouldn’t be lower than 110% of current maximum. 2) Only the Guild Fund can be used for Election. The sum for first time investment is 10000, in the following investment, the defaulted sum will be the 110% of current maximum. If you have invested before, you just need to input the balance: 110% current maximum minus your former sum. The upper limit of the Fund for Election is 1000 million. 3) Fund Ranking: If there were several guilds invest the Election, there will be a ranking for the guilds in the NPC King. On the ranking, Guild Name, Leader Name and the Fund for Election will be listed. 4) Success in the Election: When the Election Term finishes, the first guild on the Fund Ranking will obtain the opportunity to take part in the City battle. The victorious Guild leader can redeem the Command Flag of the Battle Depot ship. 5) Fail in the Election: When the Election Term finishes, the failed guild leader can withdraw the investment, and the King will give back all his silver coins.

2. Introduction of each phase in the City battle

2.1 Election Period: it is the time that all players make investment to the City battle qualification; one Election Period is from the ending of last battle to the beginning of this time.

2.2 Preparing Period: During the time, the Leader of the attacker can get the commanding flag of the Battle Depot ship, choose and ascertain the position of the Battle Depot ship on the public sea to replenish. If the attacker did not place it in the correct position within the Preparing Period, they failed in this battle. After correct placement, the rest preparing time will be counted directly into the reconnoitering Period.

2.3 Reconnoitering Period: During this period of time, all the players can see the position of the battle depot ship on the sea. The battle depot ship is in a camouflaged state. The attacker can enter it directly for replenishing while other players can only see the camouflaged, which is similar to the background of the public sea. Different camouflaged commanding flag will have different camouflaged model. Other players cannot click it and enter.

2.4 battlering Period: The attacker can enter the offing port to attack the defenders’ main emplacement, while the defenders’ can resist and attack the battle depot ship straightly. The duration can be set by the GM. During this period, all the participants cannot leave the guild and new members cannot join the guild when it is in battle, either. Besides, all the participants cannot purchase goods in other cities. The participant guild cannot change the relationship with other guilds.

2.5 System notice: During the preparing period, it will remind all the members the start time of the battle. If the leader of the attacker hasn’t finished setting the battle depot ship, the system will remind the leader the deadline of setting (the starting time of the reconnoitering).

1) When the rest time is over 2 hours, one notice per hour; when the rest time is half an hour to 2 hours, one notice per half an hour; when the rest time is 10 minutes to half an hour, one notice per 5 minutes; when the rest time is 1 minute to 10 minutes, one notice per minute; when the rest time is within 1 minute, one notice per second. 2) City battle ends, entering the preparing period. 3) X hours X minutes left before the City battle 4) X hours X minutes left for setting the Battle Depot Ship. 5) City battle starts 6) X hours X minutes left for City battle 7) City battle ends 8) Winner: XXX

3. Federation Rules and Procedure

3.1 During the preparing and reconnoitering period, the leader of participant guild can invite players in other guilds to join the battle.

3.2 Only non-hostile members can be invited to the battle, but the players could not be invited if they have been invited.

3.3 The upper limit of the invited member is 20.

3.4 You can invite other members by clicking the inviting button, similar to join a party.

3.5 You can look over the all name lists of the confederative players by clicking the checking button, than the name will be showed in the chatting column.

3.6 Non-consortium players who gain the right of joining the battle are equal to the consortium members in the City battle.

3.7 If the invited player joins a guild which is hostile with the inviter, then this inviting will be cancelled automatically and the player became your hostile guild member.

4 Fighting Rules

4.1. Battlefield rules

1) Offing battle rule a. Using city offing scene b. Before the battle, functions are the same as before that all the players can freely come in and out of the ports, but main emplacements cannot be grappled. c. When the battle begins, participant players can see each other when entering the battlefield and freely PK Main emplacement which of Durability is below 1/2 can be grappled. d. When the battle begins, non-battlering-players cannot see each other. They can watch the battle but cannot be seen by the participants and the main emplacement cannot be grappled. e. When the battle begins, the emplacement will fire the attacking party automatically, but cannot attack any other non-battlering-players (including red name players). f. When the battle begins, the attacking party cannot come into the ports or leave the ports at any moment. They should sail out of the region and leave the offing. g. When the battle begins, the defenders cannot sail out of the port or leave the port at any moment. They should click the port button to leave the offing. h. When the battle begins, non-battlering-players cannot come into the port or leave the offing freely. i. When the battle begins, non-battlering-players cannot see the battlering players and they cannot do exchange either (PK, trading, joining group, normal chatting massage). The battlering players cannot attack or grapple the emplacement. j. When the battle ends, if the attacker win, the offing members will turn to the offing scene automatically. If fails, all of them will turn to the High Sea. k. When the battle ends, all the functions will return to normal. Emplacements will be renewed and its Durability will entirely recover. 2) Emplacement battlefield rule: a. Only the battlering players can enter into this emplacement scene. b. Players can grapple directly and present to the emplacement scene (the proportion can be adjusted. If necessary, you can set the emplacement with 50% Durability so that it can be grappled) c. The defenders can grapple the emplacement and enter it to present to the beach. They can also enter it directly from the docker and present to the gate of top defendant artillery in the emplacement. d. If the attacking party wants to leave this scene, they should click the lifeboat in the beach and return to the offing. e. The defendant players can also click the lifeboat to leave and return to the offing. They can click the top gate to leave as well and return to the port. f. In the normal non-battlering time, the guild members occupied the ports can freely come in and out to view the scenery but cannot PK. 3) Depot ship battlefield rule: a. Only battlering players can enter into the depot ship. b. The attacking players can enter the depot ship at any time to replenish and they can revive themselves in it when they die, c. Defenders should detect the depot ship on the High Sea before entering it. The detecting rate and depot ship level depends on the detecting tools. d. In the depot ship, the provision NPC will be placed on the poop. The commanding flag of attacker will be set in the fore. The defenders who enter it will all present to the center of the ship. e. The attackers can click the NPC as well as the cord on one side of the center to leave the ship. f. The defendant players can click the cord on one side of the center to leave the ship.

4.2 Battle depot ship setting

1) The way to build a Depot ship: Depot ship will be used on the High seas. If the leader has got the permission of attacking the city, they could make the depot ship on the High Seas and meanwhile seizure the tools used for the depot ship. 2) Camouflaged setting: different camouflaged tools of the depot ship will create different camouflaged depot ship on the High Seas (derelict, islet, reef, iceberg, and floater). In this time, the camouflaged object has no name and looks the same with the background object. Players can only use their memory to detect whether it is depot ship or not. 3) During the reconnoiter time of the depot ship, all the members of the attacking party can enter it but others cannot. They can only get the system notice, but anybody can see the camouflaged model. 4) During the battlering time, any players can enter the depot ship. The defenders can switch into it directly to destroy the commanding flag, while others can only get the system notice and anybody can see the camouflaged model.

4.3 Commanding flag setting:

1) The commanding flag is similar to a man of straw with high Durability. Common attack will make damage to it without fighting back. 2) The emplacement commanding flag can only be attacked by the attackers, while the depot ship commanding flag can only be attacked by the defendant party. 3) Using special weapon will make enhancive damage to the commanding flag but cannot make great destroy to other players while get great destroy from them. 4) Once the Commanding flag being destroyed, the battle end. The guild which destroy the flag win. 4.4 Renascence Setting

1) The defenders and their federation will revive in the port no matter where and when they die. 2) The attackers and their federation will revive in the Depot ship no matter where and when they die. 3) After death, it will takes 30 seconds for battlering players to revive. The revival players will lose half HP and SP. 4) As the revival will cause the battlering players teleport, they cannot purchase goods in the exchange during the battlering time (players can store a ship goods during the battlering time to make exchange. Considering the little influence, it is allowed without punishment.)

4.5 Battle procedure:

1) The attacking party a. Entering the city offing and attack the defendant party; b. Using long-distance fire fighting to destroy the defendant main emplacement. c. Players can grapple directly to present to the emplacement scene (the proportion can be adjusted. If necessary, you can set the emplacement with 50% endurance so that it can be grappled) d. Entirely fighting to pull down the emplacement will win in the battle e. Grappling the main emplacement to enter the beach and destroy the commanding flag on the top of the emplacement will win in the battle. f. Who being killed by the defendant player can revival in the ship and get replenishment from the NPC. g. After replenishment, he or she should sail out from the high sea to the city (turn to the step a or h) h. When time expires, if the attacking party destroys the emplacement or the commanding flag, they will fail in the battle. 2) The defendant party a. Entering the city offing to attack the attacking party; b. Defend the emplacement to the last and attack the attacking party. If the emplacement is destroyed, they will fail in the battle. c. Defend the commanding flag to the last and attack the attacking party. If the emplacement is destroyed, they will fail in the battle. d. Entering into the High Seas to find the battle depot ship. e. Finding out the depot ship and search how to enter the ship. f. Come up against the recovery power of the attacking party and destroy their commanding flag to get the win. g. Who being killed by the attacking players can revive inside the city and get replenishment in the port. h. After replenishment, they can return to the battle (turn to step a or i) i. Prolong the battle to the end will win.

4.6 Victory or defeat

1) The defendant party wins, the attacking party fails a. The defendant party finds out the depot ship of the attacking party and destroys their commanding flag. b. Before counting down time of the battle, the attacking party hasn’t destroyed the emplacement or the commanding flag. c. During the battle preparing time, the commanding flag was not put in correct position. 2) The attacking party wins, the defendant party fails a. The attacking players destroy the main emplacement of the defendant party in the offing b. The attacking players enter into the inside of the emplacement and destroy the commanding flag; c. One of the terms above meets will get the win.

5. Reward:

5.1The guild that occupies the port will have the right to place a statue of the leader in the city.

1) The statue has to be placed on a pedestal. The Guild Leader should draw the Permission to place the statue from the King first, then buy a pedestal and use it on the walking area. With the Permission, the leader is able to set up the statue on the locale. There should be no other objects within a radius of 5 meters, such as doors or NPC. 2) Click the statue to view the leader’s message and the time when the guild occupied the city.

5.2 All the members of the regnant guild will obtain a special symbol.

1) There will be a special icon and visional effect on the head of the character. 2) Guild Leader will be entitled, for example: Athens Laird 3) Guild Official will be entitled, for example: Athens Gen. 4) Guild Members will be entitled, for example: Athens Imperial Guard 5) If the port was seized by other guilds, the guild’s special title will be deleted automatically.

5.3 The name of the regnant guild will be displayed on the city’s information.

5.4 The development of the Mercantile Value of the city.

1) The city will add an attribute: Mercantile Value 2) Mercantile Value influences the amount and variety of the special items that the guild can buy. 3) Ways to increase the Mercantile value: i. Invest silver coins in the city. ii. The members of the regnant guild accomplish the Civicism Task. 4) Invest the city in the NPC. 5) Similar with Guild Task, the Civicism Task will be accepted and submitted in the NPC.

5.5. All the members of the regnant guild will take the privilege in the city.

1) Guild members can buy special items from the NPC, which has a limit in times for use. a. The players who are not in the regnant guild can view the item but cannot buy it. b. According to one’s status and contribution to the guild, there is a limit in the variety of special items that he can buy. c. According to the Mercantile Value, there is a limit in the amount and variety of the special items that the guild members can buy. d. The variety of special items for the regnant guild is random. 3) Guild members can get special skill from the NPC, which will last for certain period. a. a. According to one’s status and contribution, t there is a limit in the variety of special skills that he can use. b. The special skill will cause a visional effect which makes the user larruping with ordinary players.

5.6 The victor in the City battle will gain a sum of fund as a trophy.

5.7 The failure in the City battle has to pay half of the Guild Fund to the attacker as a punishment.

5.8 The guild that occupies the ports takes the tax income of the city.





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