

  • 翻訳予定

Run Time

# command line arguments

# --nodefaults : disable the default setting display

# --nosound : disable sound

# --nosocket : disable socket support

# --debug : start sdlBasic in step to step mode

# --version : display the version (iso date)

# --license : display license type

# --copyright : display copyright ( ;-) absolutelly free software )

# --help : display a run option list

const : declaration of numeric constant
option explicit : must declare variable
option qbasic : qbasic mode you can use a function before create in a code
include(filename) : inclusion of extern source file
argc : return number of args in caller
argv(index) : return arg in caller
command [param] : returns requested arg from command line
command$ [param] : returns requested arg from command line
argument(optional n) : returns the arguments sends to sub/function with n=0 or without parameter will be return the arguments count
argument$(optional n) : returns the arguments sends to sub/function with n=0 or without parameter will be return the arguments count
?setenv(varname,value) : set a enviremont variable in currently os. if variable exist it will be overwrite
getenv(varname) : return the value of enviremont variable in currently os

run : run command on new thread

shell : execute command, wait until finished
end : terminate program and exit
stop : breakpoint and start debug

os : return the operative system in work (linux windows macosx etc...)
isfbsd : return 1 if the current os is FreeBSD
isosx : return 1 if the current os is MacOSX
islinux : return 1 if the current os is linux
iswin32 : return 1 if the current os is windows
ismos : return 1 if the current os is MorphOS
isnetbsd : return 1 if the current os is NetBSD
isamigaos : return 1 if the current os is AmigaOS