Adv-Comp / 2005-10-07

Adv-Comp 目次

A guest in class on Oct. 14, 2005

For details:

The syllabus page has been updated


VOA news: 9/10/05

I have been authoring the following page on Thursday for two and half hours!! for your class on Friday, but I did not demonstrate in class!! Check it out!!

Text2Speect or TTS

And 6 hours for Tuesday and Wednesday classes!!

This is one of the memos I promised to produce in class last night. I have just got home, and started looking over the papers to grade, but I might fall asleep.

VOA news: 9/10/05

Authoring and programming takes time, but it is worth doing to prevent from aging..... ha, ha, ha. A secret link from #6 from the last one in the above: Jeffrey's Japanese-English dictionary lookup, when you please scroll down all the way to the bottom underconstruction bar. Click it, you will see an awesome dictionary links for every word in the VOA text which is a key to the cloze test for Frehsmen classes.

Two cloze exercise pages:

VOA News 091005 -
Bush Draws Parallels Between Hurricane, September 11 Attacks 

Please challenge, if you can, and fill in all the blanks in both cloze test pages

#1 Bush Draws Parallels Between Hurricane, September 11 Attacks,


#5  Another Cloze 091005 
10th with a pull down menu on VOA-Hurricane911.f/ - pilot 試験中

