Adv-Comp / 2005-09-30


Intro: Syllabus sites on the Internet

  • The list here on wiki page is still pending, and links have to be fixed...
    Internet sites:参加登録グループ名を選択
    A tentative PDF file to download:
      大学祭など休講で変動予定あり 流れを把握ください。
     AdvCompSyllabusFall05.pdf (7 pages) 
       generated from Syllabus at Prentice Hall's site
    How to locate the above file at Yahoo JPN! Groups 認証必要
    • Go down to (1)「Briefcase(ブリーフケース)」
    • → (2)「Syllabus.f」
    • and locate (3) [AdvCompSyllabusFall05.pdf]
  1. Go down to (1)「Briefcase(ブリーフケース)」
  2. Go down to (2)「Syllabus.f」and locate [AdvCompSyllabusFall05.pdf]

Alternate syllabus

Prentice Hall's site:

Or try the following:

Syllabus at Prentice Hall's site: by date
  FALL only (updated finally 10/8/05)
  2. from mirror site - PDF to be stored until end of Oct. 認証不要

The list here on this wiki page, I hope, will give you a general idea of what we are going to cover.
大学祭など休講で変動予定あり 流れを把握ください。


以下は秋学期のLesson Plansの草案です。

Under Construction!!

Syllabus at Prentice Hall's site:(updated finally 10/8/05)

Sept. 30, 2005

Assignments - Hand in late over due

October 7, 2005

Unit 4- description and process

Assignment Name :

2 out of 3 execises in the chapter English textbook

  1. p. 28 - # 8 a person or place
    1somewhere you love to go often and enjoy
    2somewhere you remember going often
    1someone you love
    2your family
    4historical figure
  2. p. 31 - #13 a process: Recipies, or Procedures
    1How to file a law suit
    2How to apply for a graduate school
    or even
    3How to pass this tuff class, etc.

October 14, 2005

Unit 4 - continued

Assignment Name : 

October 21, 2005

automatic essay program

Assignment Name : 

Unit 5 - Opinion

Notes / Instructions : Unit 5 - Opinion

p. 38 #16 Writing an opinion paragraph/essay:

Discuss the topic in class for an approval from the instructor,

before you decide to start writing outlines, and actual paragraphs.

If you prefer editing with the computer program:

automatic essay program, visit the following site:

and choose one State and you will be asked to do either of the following:

  • 1) Writing for Assessment:

School Vacations (Middle Grades)

Some people say that
students should have one long summer


  • 2) Writing for Assessment:
    Persuasive Letter
    to Your School Principal
    (High School)

Students learn many things when they are not in the classroom. Think of a field trip that would be a learning experience for your whole class. Write a letter to your principal that describes the field trip and provides convincing reasons for why it would be an enriching learning experience.

Type Component Name

Report Opinion essay

Assignment Name :

College education - automatic essay program

Notes/ Instructions :

Namely, the topic is the following:

How might a college education help you?

Describe several ways in which a college education can contribute to long-term life success.

Please answer this question in 50-150 words. For this demonstration there are also 3 sample essays. Please scroll down to view them. You may modify them if desired.

Report College education - automatic essay program-with sample essays

KEYS to SUCCESS in College, Career, and Life

How to Achieve Your Goals Fourth edition

Prentice Hall's Keys to Success Third Edition by Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, & Sarah Lyman Kravits

You can locate my syllabus (FALL Only) at:

Companion Website Chapter 1

Objectives, Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Destinations Message Board, Multiple Choice

Browse and get ready to answer

Opinion Paragraph -

Dress codes in high school

Assignment Name : 

Notes / Instructions : Another topic for sample practice writing tests at ACT (Academic College Test) - a very famous college entrance exam for US high school students.

Sample Prompt

In some high schools, many teachers and parents have encouraged the school to adopt a dress code that sets guidelines for what students can wear in the school building. Some teachers and parents support a dress code because they think it will improve the learning environment in the school. Other teachers and parents do not support a dress code because they think it restricts the individual student's freedom of expression. In your opinion, should high schools adopt dress codes for students?

In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either one of the two points of view given, or you may present a different point of view on this question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Type Component Name

Report ACT - Topic prompt - practice writing test site

Report ACT - sample writing test - Best example

Assignment Name :
OnLine writing tests - practice and samples

Notes / Instructions : Online tests are getting more popular than ever in the US. They include not only grammar, vocabulary, but also writing skills. For your conenience, I have complied bookmarks for related online tests and automatic writing assessment sites at Yahoo eGroups where you need to register with Yahoo and sign up for an approval.

Project Yahoo! Japan eGroups - to find out which group you have signed up

Nothing is free!! Human Grading preferred?

October 28, 2005

Unit 5 - Opinion

Assignment Name : 

p. 38 #16 Writing an opinion paragraph/essay:

Discuss the topic in class for an approval from the instructor, before you decide to start writing outlines, and actual paragraphs.

automatic essay program

If you prefer editing with the computer program: automatic essay program, visit the following site:

     choose one State 
    and you will be asked to do either of the following:
    1) Writing for Assessment: School Vacations (Middle Grades)
    Some people say that students should have one long summer or
    2) Writing for Assessment:
    Persuasive Letter to Your School Principal
    (High School)

Students learn many things when they are not in the classroom. Think of a field trip that would be a learning experience for your whole class. Write a letter to your principal that describes the field trip and provides convincing reasons for why it would be an enriching learning experience.

November 4, 2005 -大学祭の休講のため順延

November 11, 2005

11/4 -->11/11, etc.

Political election systems

Assignment Name : 
Notes / Instructions : Discuss the differences

a) between 'Electoral College votes,' and 'Popular Votes.'

b) US Presidential and Japanese Prime Minister election systems

For details visit NY Times Lesson Plan sites listed: here/below, either (i) Yahoo eGroup site (syllabus.f) or

(ii) Alternate/mirror site @infoseek (tentative).

For final counts of US Presidential Election: you can search on your own or vist Yahoo! News sites (one is listed below for your convenience.) Type Component Name

Unit 6 - Comparison and Contrast

Assignment Name : 

Notes / Instructions : p. 47 #9 and p. 48 #11

Other choices/topics:

a) English and Japanese b) Bristish vs. American Eng.
c) Chemistry vs. Cooking d) baseball, cricket
e) soccer, rugby, football f) tennis, table tennis (ping pong)
g) judo, etc. (marshal arts) h) iris (flowers)

November 18, 2005

11/4/05 - 大学祭の休講のため順延

So, we shall cover the same topic in one week, rather than two weeks. 11/11/05

Unit 7 - Problem/ solution paragraph

Assignment Name : 

Notes / Instructions : Choose a similar topic in the model textbook for problems: global, national, and write two paragraph essay following instructions and guides given in the textbook.

automatic essay feeback

Personal Wellness

As an option, you can read articles and submit your essay to get automatic essay feeback in Chapter 9 on this web. Specifically, Chapter 9 presents issues on Personal Wellness, where you can discuss how to cope with stress.

Companion Website: Chapter 9

Objectives, Article 1, Destinations, Essay Questions, Message Board, Multiple Choice

Intelligent Essay Assessor:

Explain what stress is. 

Discuss what happens when stress has positive effects and when it has negative effects. Describe the two general ways you can manage stress.

November 18, 2005

11/4/05 - 大学祭の休講のため順延

So, we shall cover the same topic in one week, rather than two weeks. 11/11/05

Unit 7 - continued

Problem/ solution paragraph

Assignment Name : 

Web Companion Website:Chapter 9

Keys to Success (Prentice Hall) Chapter 9

November 25, 2005

Unit 8 - cause and effect

Assignment Name : 

chain reactions

Notes / Instructions : chain reactions (effects will in turn become causes in series of events or changes).


Chapter 11 on Keys to Success

Web Companion page:KEYS TO SUCCESS (Prenice Hall)

What are the two most significant causes of change in today's society? Describe both and tell why they are agents of change.

Companion Website - KEYS TO SUCCESS (Prenice Hall)

Chapter 11

Or, locate my syllabus page (FALL)

Chapter 11

Browse the following sections in Chapter 11 for 'cause and effect' assignment: Objectives, Article 1, Destinations, Essay Questions, Multiple Choice

Cause and Effect

Reading chain reactions in Japanese Scroll down to No. 324

Assignment Name : 

How to submit all the OKed pieces

1) Adv-compSubmitForm.pdf - cover sheet-11/26/04~
2) Adv-compSubmitForm.xls - cover sheet~
3) AdvComp.Final.doc - MS-Word File~
4) AdvComp.Final.pdf~

Where to find the above files?

December 2, 2005

Unit 8 - continued

Assignment Name : 

Notes / Instructions : This is a penultimate unit to be covered, leaving the last lecture on 'Essay and paragraph.' I shall summarize what we have so far learned about paragraph writing and give some short lecture on '5-part paragraph essay.'

You will be writing one essay on any one of the previous topics or a new one.

5 paragraph essay

But it is imperative that you write an outline to be approved before writing a 5 paragraph essay, which would be the last assignment for the year.

Naturally, you will start rewriting all the previous pieces until you get approved, and only the ones OKed shall be graded for the final course grades. Wish you luck.

Type Component Name

lnternet Exercise The Five-Paragraph -

Guide to Grammar and Writing site (The BEST)

Unit 8 - cause and effect

Assignment Name :

Notes / Instructions : chain reactions (effects will in turn become causes in series of events or changes). Option: Chapter 11 on this web.

What are

the two most significant causes of change

in today's society?
Describe both and tell why they are agents of change.

Companion Website: Kyes to Success, Chapter 11

Objectives, Article 1, Destinations, Essay Questions, Multiple Choice

Reading BBS Scroll down to No. 324

December 9, 2005


This is the second last class in Dec.

Assignment Name : TBA

December 16, 2005


Assignment Name : TBA

January 13, 2005

Assignment Name : TBA

The very last class - no assignemnts to grade!!, please.

この日はまったく「儀式」。12月末の作文を返却する授業のみ? Academic calendarの変更によって、1月の授業は「儀式」化してしまった? As in the last couple years, we may meet at a nearby dinner, for a party! No class in classroom, but we shall meet at 18:30 for reflection!! 「サルでも反省できるわい!」


Adv-Comp/FinalSubmit - Do not click an icon here -

#c-o-m-m-e-n-t deactivated 4/20/07
