Adv-Comp / 2005-04-22


NEW!! - Syllabus page for 2005 (updated 4/15/05)


Yahoo eGroup briefcase - document depot 認証、参加必要

file list including syllabus page 認証、参加必要
  1. Files under 'Syllabus.f' @Yahoo eGroup
  2. Adv-Comp Syllabus <--Click left to see more info.

Serch engine - tohoho


Japanese paragraphs - kurashima's columns

Search key word - kurashima

Use of checklist

By now you have learned how to locate and print enough copies of checklists.

How to make the best of checklist?

Search key words: checklist
  • WwwSearch
    Result?  Please search on your own, too, to practice!!
  2. Adv-Comp Syllabus <--Click left to see more info.

Connectives and cohesion

Search key word: connective
  1. WwwSearch Tohoho my pages @infoseek
    Result? Try on yourself, too.
  3. Adv-Comp Syllabus <--Click left to see more info.

Future Group Projects

Contrastive Analysis of Rhetoric

Search key word: Contrastive Analysis of Rhetoric
Yahoo eGroup Briefcase - syllabus and others
  1. access full doc at Yahoo eGroup
  2. Adv-Comp Syllabus <--Click left to see more info.

Group Project: Comparison of Styles of Writing in English and Japanese:

Encyclopedia and technical writing 
Search key word: Encyclopedia and technical writing
  1. access full doc at Yahoo eGroup
  2. Adv-Comp Syllabus <--Click left to see more info.


Adv-Comp Syllabus <--Click left to see more info. still underconstruction

