

Open Source Mobile OS / G-Phone


  • グーグル(Google)社は、2007年11月5日に同社のオープン・ソース携帯OS「Android」を発表した。同計画はリナックスをベースにしたプラットフォーム。グーグルはアンドロイド携帯の拡販に乗って、その上で利用できる携帯広告ビジネスの開拓をねらう。
  • プロジェクトのメンバーはOpen Handset Alliance(34社)をベースにしている。Androidは、同仕様の携帯端末向けアプリケーション・プラットフォーム。
  • Android Incは、2005年6月(設立22ヶ月で)にグーグルが買収した。Android社の設立者は、Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger)、Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire)、Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile)、Chris White (one of the first engineers at WebTV)




  • Androidとは
    • Mobile OS業界の構造とその位置づけ
    • 通信事業者との関係(なぜ、AT&TやVZWはOHAに入っていない?)
      • ディバイス開放はむずかしい
      • アプリケーション開放は議論が進むだろう。
    • 端末事業者との関係
      • iMODEとどこが違う
      • Mobile OSがひとつ増えただけ?、それとも革新的?
  • Androidのエコシステム
    • AndroidをベースにしたOpen Source Appliでは、どのようなビジネスモデル、エコシステムが成立するのか。デベロッパーは儲かるのか?
    • オープンソース・テレフォニーへの影響
  • AndroidでGoogleは何を狙っているのか
    • 端末開放、アプリケーション開放
    • 過去のグーグルによる買収(Grand Centralほか)
    • パテントの取得状況
    • muniWiFi?(パロアルト)と個人情報収集が進むとの批判
    • 700MHzによるモバイル・キャリアへの参入?
    • XohmでWiMAX用ポータルを提供→パートナー解消で不透明
    • Google Mobile:Java版Gmail/Google Maps
  • Androidは日本の携帯文化を変えるか?


  • Android, Google's open-sourced, ad-supported, Linux-based operating system for cell phones with Open Handset Alliance(&link(リンク,
  • Microsoft is expected to sell about 12 million Windows Mobile phones this year, accounting for about 10 percent of the smartphone market, according to IDC.
  • Mr. Schmidt sits on the board of Apple, and while Google is not making or selling phones, it will be providing a phone operating system to Apple competitors.
  • A brief demonstration of the Google software recently suggests that phones made using the technology will have features and design similar to the Apple iPhone. Mr. Rubin demonstrated a hand-held touch-screen device that gave an immersive view of Google Earth, the company's three-dimensional visualization software.(グーグル・アース)
  • Google has designed is based on the Linux operating system and Sun Microsystems' Java language.
  • Mr. Rubin said the company's &verb(StreetView?) feature of Google Maps could easily be coupled - mashed up, in technology speak - with another service listing the current geographical location of friends.
  • But the group's core technology itself will not be made available under an open-source license until it is commercially ready sometime next year, Mr. Rubin said.
  • Mr. Rubin also said that in the future, the Google technology could be used in other portable devices, including small hand-held computers and car navigation systems.(携帯だけでなくカーナビや携帯無線端末にも利用)
  • But the openness of the platform - which Google and its partners consider a key to collaborative development - will make it difficult to achieve interoperability across phones, Dulaney says(互換性確保が難しい。ディファクト競争が活発化?)
  • Location, and not standalone mobile search, could be the big battleground for the mobile Web in 2008.
  • F-Secure asked this in their blog and came to the conclusion, most importantly, that malware for the phones will be a function of their popularity.(オープンソースになれば、ウィルス、malwareの感染は広がる)
  • Such issues have helped to fuel interest in Mobile Linux in the last couple of years. Motorola has seen traction with its Linux-based Ming phones in China, and companies such as Trolltech and &verb(OpenMoko?) have gained traction among developers by offering Linux-enabled mobile phones that serve as little testing grounds for mobile applications.
  • Android is good news for developers is debatable. While Android is designed as yet another attempt to create a "Write once, run anywhere" platform-the term was coined by Sun Microsystems Inc. for its Java offering-it will serve only as one more platform developers must write to in the short-term.
  • And Google is licensing the software stack under the Apache 2.0 license, allowing any would-be developer to access the code, tweak it as he sees fit, and make the final product proprietary if he chooses.
  • The Norwegian developer last year brought to market its Greenphone, Linux-based phone solely targeted at developers looking to build mobile applications. Trolltech moved more than 1,000 of the $700 devices before depleting its inventory and has no plans to offer the phones again, saying it will support new open source projects.
  • "The fundamental problem with most of the phones people have today is they do not have full-power browsers," Google CEO Eric Schmidt said.
  • The idea smacks of the talks Schmidt gave while at Sun Microsystems Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW - message board), when the Java platform first emerged.(シュミットはJava普及期にサンマイクロのCTOだった)
  • The market for mobile advertising is expected to hit 1.26 billion in 2009, up from just 45 million in 2005, according to Ovum Ltd.(MARCH 07, 2007)