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Example1: #ref(iconfile,[[Archieves]]) [[ブラッケット]]で 「ページ名」 を囲まないとダメ。 Example2: #ref(iconfile,[[Archieves]],center) 呈示位置: 中央 center, 左 left, 右right
2 or more icons on the same line is NOT possible!! #ref(emblem01_thum.gif,[[Archieves]]) #ref(KGEmblem.gif,[[Archieves]])
side by side - Not possible!? 2つ目が呈示されない! #ref(emblem01_thum.gif,[[Archieves]]) #ref(KGEmblem.gif,[[Archieves]])
#ref(): The style ref(filename,pagename) is ambiguous and become obsolete. Please try ref(pagename/filename)
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