Adv-Comp / 2006-05-26

Adv-Comp 目次

Weblog Projects

Read the following web site, though the tips are for Japanese techinical writing, and start re-writing and post as new threads or blogs:

If you have not received any c-o-m-m-e-n-t-s on your weblog, it is most likely that you did not register at another BBS (tree.php) nor at Yahoo JPN Group Database:

  1. 認証が必要な掲示板 登録依頼済 treebbs<--432
  2. 登録を再度依頼済み<--I appreciate that you would NOT please send an E-mail. I am not your servant to do everything you can do on your own.

Yahoo Group site databaseに登録weblogサイトのみweblogでの添削を印刷ハードコピーと併用して実施します。すでに何度も期限付きで依頼しておりましたので、乗り遅れの学生は従来通りの印刷ハードコピーによる添削となります。ご了承ください。なお、メールで伝達したとおり、来週水曜日(5/24/06)の午後20時までご自身で追加登録は受け付けます。メールでの通達はご遠慮ください。

Registered weblog URLs

Please make use of this list for peer review as well as to find out how your classmates are doing with Weblogging. [470] Class weblog sites as of 5/21/06 Date: 05/21 15:01

  1. 認証が必要な掲示板 Yahoo Group に登録のweblog URLs posted at treebbs<--470
  2. Yahoo!グループ データーベース 登録サイト

Yahoo JPN Group

The following memo was already sent via Yahoo JPN Group ML:<--認証要 268 But a more info is posted here.




  1. Already announced in class last week
  2. Where to post?


  1. memo
  2. 配下の
    Introducing Japanese technical writing as a bridge?


(締め切り2nd week in June in class)

Class on 6/2/06 to be cancelled<--Click to see the details


グループ毎の発表の原稿をこのスレッドに投稿。英語or日本語。1グループにつ き1件。親スレッドに要約を、下位「子」を設けても構いません。随時分かりや すく項目名も変更ください。 グループの代表者は、 メンバーの学生番号、氏名を明記して共同作品として責 任を持って投稿ください。



橋本論文(1986) 国語教育におけるtopic sentences

(締め切り by the end of May
but due to mishap on PDF, 
we shall postpone to June... )
  1. Already announced in class last week and posted here at wikihouse thread
  2. as well as via MAIL

Where to find? 橋本論文

春の個人課題第2弾:「outline summary project」

先輩たちは'Ulla Connor Project'といっているようです。


(締め切り2nd week in June in class) 配下の


Read and produce outline from a juornal article 5/28/03

  • direct link<--アウトライン書式の説明, wordでのouline format作成の苦しみ?、そして、提出課題(Ulla Connor (2002) 論文のサマリー in ouline format)の説明。


追加論文? MLJ Vol. 90, no. 10


  1. try Blackwell's online journal: Modern Language Journal, where you can download articles in PDF from campus PC's, not from home PC's
  2. I might asign as an additional English journal analysis this article?<--- The Modern Language Journal Volume 90 Page 100 - Spring 2006, Generating Text in Native and Foreign Language Writing: A Temporal Analysis of Problem Solving Formulation Processes, JULIO ROCA DE LARIOS1, ROSA M. MANCHÓN2 and LIZ MURPHY3
  3. try Blackwell's online journal: Modern Language Journal, where you can download articles in PDF from campus PC's, not from home PC's<--portal site of MLJ, Blackwell
  4. もちろん、Kaplan, Robert (1966)の'Contrastive Analysi of Rhetoric,'の論文もいいでしょうね。<--Only hardcopy in the library, though.

Other options

またはその他 upon approval of the instructor

Sapier (1921) Language

(1st chapter or others) Bartleby
  1. 配下の
  2. My memo at Yahoo direct link<--look for Bartleby link
  3. biography of Edward Sapier
  4. Sapier (1921) Language. A whole book, yes, all the chapters in the book are online at Bartleby site 凄い!!

Other academic journals online

  2. see more at:
  3. try Blackwell's online journal: Modern Language Journal, where you can download articles in PDF from campus PC's, not from home PC's 今年は2件ぐらいとも考えていますが、また相談します。内容も作文についての「応用言語学の論文」
  4. I might assign as an additional English journal analysis this article?<--- The Modern Language Journal Volume 90 Page 100 - Spring 2006, Generating Text in Native and Foreign Language Writing: A Temporal Analysis of Problem Solving Formulation Processes, JULIO ROCA DE LARIOS1, ROSA M. MANCHÓN2 and LIZ MURPHY3


Q&A c-o-m-m-e-n-t-s

#c-o-m-m-e-n-t deactivated