Adv-Comp 目次
Over the spring break, I have tried a few BBS or forum sites for the group work in this class, as I am not too satisfied with the official KG BBS in the public cabinet.
One choice for the time being is the intranet 学外からはアクセス不可能 groupware OneCampus Portal. I shall update on more choices, but for the time being, let us try how this Groupware works. Please post your comment on its usefulness at the end of this page. I know it is limited as it is accessible ONLY on campus, not from home. I can not read any threads or posts at home, either.
産学協同プロジェクトとして、CALL lab - A-320教室にGroupwareをインストールしました。Installed intranet "OneCampus Portal", finally, over this weekend.
KG Law Dept. students 法学部生のみ can access the site on campus. We shall have you enjoy not only watching video based courseware: Viva! San Francisco, but also its forum. Login procedures will be explained in class on Friday.
On the above portal site, I have posted for 'chain story' type BBS or forum, where you would post replies by each group, but the web program for word association game is more fun to play, I am afraid.
Now that we have a secure intranet forum, beside a notorious official KG BBS, we can possibly make the best use of this forum for the Group Project in the Spring. For a starter, please post the lecture notes and memos for the group work and brainstorming. I have tentatively posted the following:
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