Adv-Comp / 2005-07-01




諸君が発表を遅滞していたので。計画通りにいかないと「chagrin」でしょう。You now can sympathize with me for how I had felt in the last few weeks, seeing some members come and go.

Process writing, clustering, outlining, drafting, revision, etc.

Those who missed watching videos last week, as well as those who did watch, the following site offers concise PowerPoint? slides (to download) to review what 'process writing' involves.

PowerPoint? slide to browse

Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process

Wiki pageでは画像の表示のみで、クリックしてもリンク先へジャンプしません。 あしからず。


This presentation acquaints your students with the steps that constitute the writing process, including strategies for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and proofreading. This presentation would work well for the beginning of a composition course or the assignment of a writing project in any class. (Writer and Designer: Jennifer Liethen Kunka)

  1. to download from this wiki page このページには「戻る」で
  2. Click here to visit - The Purdue University OWL(Online Writing Lab) to download PowerPoint slides

Clustering - nonlinear - idea map, mindmap

Last week we saw a video in which writers have their own preferences in the initial stage of writing: listing, nonlinear clustering, and outline. You are about to start brainstorming with your group on the broad topic of 'education,' so that you can share ideas, and learn how to relate, collate as well as limiting the topic. You will be eventually

write a paragraph on one of the sub topics the group help you narrow down.

Regarding its difference from brainstorming, clustering is thought to be a little more formal than brainstorming.


書籍検索にもmindmap 汎用連想計算エンジン

新書マップ キーワード「英語教育」などで体験を。


文書検索における頻度付き索引データ(どの文書にどの単語が何回出現するというような)を典型とする大規模かつ粗な行列を対象として、行と行あるいは列と列(具体的には文書間および単語間)の類似度を内積型メジャーで高速計算するツールです。連想検索をはじめ、文書分類、単語間類似度計算など、大規模文書の分析に必要な要素技術をサポートすることを目的 GETA: Generic Engine for Transposable Association

実施機関: (株)日立製作所、国立情報学研究所 

Visual Thesarus

  1. 類語辞書でもnetworked graphsの活用の時代
    education - Visual Thesaurus map
    Try with 'education' or some English word of your interest and enjoy how related words are mapped with each other with varying length and angles.
  2. Have just found a nifty online visual thesarus!!
  3. Click to see a sample graph このページには「戻る」で

What is nonlinear clustering: some web search

  1. A non-linear brainstorming process, clustering makes the Design mind’s interior, invisible associations visible on a page. Clustering becomes a self-organizing process as words and phrases are spilled onto the page around a center.
  2. a book for 'creative writing': Writing the Natural Way: Using Right-Brain Techniques to Release Your Expressive Powers. by Gabriele Rico Ph.D. (February 1, 2000)
  3. Writer's mental block, advice for freshmen English students in the States, but helpful for their ESL/EFL counterpats: Overcoming Writer’s Block and Procrastination
  4. 論文を書くときに綿密な構成を考えてからでないと書く気になれない人にお勧めなのは? iyeiri HP recommends: 川喜田二郎. 1967.『発想法――創造性開発のために――』中公新書. 東郷雄二. 2000.『東郷式 文科系必修研究生活術』夏目書房.東郷雄二. 2002.『独学の技術』ちくま新書.

linear vs. non-linear

Eventually your final draft will be 'linear,' although your ideas may have been clustered in 'non-linear' architechture or even from bubbles in simple, crude listing. Thus, it was easier to summarize someone's article in an outline format. I had indicated that 'PowerPoint?' is not so helpful for beginning writers, as it is in rather rigid 'linear' format. Granted that you can embed hyperlinks from one slide to another, but it does not help in actural planning stage of writing. The criteria of good writing tools are the flexibility or freedom that enables us to move

from 'bottom-up' as well as 'top-down,' 

or to edit and

hop around freely between 'micro,' and 'macro' editing, 

be it a computer software like idea processor, PIM, an editor, a word-processor, or stationary pads. (PIN:Personal Information Manager) Simply stated, thus, Microsoft's PowerPoint? and MS-Word are not thinking tools, but a stencil where you will record your 'pre-organized,' and 'linear' ideas, just as we enjoy watching the movie. No one will jump back and forth, and hoping around on DVD movies, unless you are a real mania of movies.

non-linear personal web note 面白いメモ帳です
  2. 本家です。

Outline format

There seems to be confusion as to the outline format, notation. Please refer to the main textbook, p. 65 and 69 for most classic format. I accept nothing but the 'classic' style, as I am stubborn!


  1. the main textbook, p. 65 and 69 for most classic format!!
  2. My own instruction for the outline 認証必要assignment
  3. directory of the above page 認証必要
  4. Outline format, classic, but good standard to adher to
  5. Format An Outline, Cliff's note, the notation is a little bit awkward, but helpful guide on 'Turning your notes into an outline'
  6. Purdue Writing Lab has a section on 'Outline', but its sample outline is a variant which I do NOT accept, sorry!
  7. Cleveland State University Writing Center


Many of your outline on Ulla Connor's article was way too long, let alone awkward in notation (e.g. missing periods, no Roman Numerals for subheadings, etc.) Sub headings were inserted in between without any notation symbols, and the new outline symbols were started for those topics below right in the middle, which is really confusing, to say the least. Use the same notation (I, II, III, etc.) throughout the entire outline  続き番号、通し番号で, rather than having a sub-topics as orphans in between. I have instructed on your work for re-writing or Grade F.

Ulla Connor and her related work, links (partial)
  1. An Interview with Ulla Connor by Muramatsu Mieko, Dokkyo University
  2. Contrastive Rhetoric Revisited and Redefined by Clayann Gilliam Panetta (Ed.) (2001), reviewed by John Graney
  3. Ulla M. Connor, Barbara E. and Karl R. Zimmer Chair in Intercultural Communication, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis [not IU@Bloomington]
  4. 東京学芸大学英語教育学研究室, 東京学芸大学の読み切りゼミ 要約サイト

You have to shorten the content of the outline, as you are not writing paragraphs. You can start with a phrase/ topical outline, and then expand it to a sentential outline. Two students class got OK grade, whose outline pages were less than 3. Concise but OKed. Others just copied paragraph sentences in great length. Try to extract only the phrases or clauses that can summarize each paragraph in the paper under analysis.

Hanging paragraph format

As usual, you have a heck of troubles to create hanging paragraph format. In Japanese, 'ぶら下がり段落.' Check 'help' on your favorite word-processor.

One example site in English
    Japanese site as an example:
  3. 上のサイトでの「ぶら下がり段落」ルーラの設定図 - click to browse このページには「戻る」で

Outline processors and editors at CALL Lab (A) 302

 小生の指示で目下、法学部(A)302教室 PC CALLラボにインストールされている「物書き」用のソフト一覧(抜粋)です。特に、アウトラインプロセッサーは、他大学では類を見ないセットアップです。



  1. 00.doc.pdf PDF - MS-WORD- How to switch OFF auto numbering, etc. 11/11/03 yahoo group 認証必要
  2. 研究社新英和・和英中辞典
  3. OUP Hornby-Advanced Learning Duct.-Genie - web 画面での英語の意味・用法閲覧可能となる -
    PDS(Public Domain Software)
  4. TeraPad - フリーのシンプルなテキストエディタ
  5. AUTLA - 印刷,HTML出力機能を備えたアウトラインプロセッサ
  6. IdeaFragment for Windows 思考支援ツール
  7. Story Editor - いわゆるアウトラインプロセッサ
  8. VerticalEditor - 縦書き・ふりがなに対応したアウトラインプロセッサ
  9. マックファンは先週のページで紹介すみ。inspiration, Kacis
  10. マックのActaは小生も愛用のbest outline processor

Outline processors and editors 追加メモ

intro of PDS (in Japanese) by Nami2000 author
    Nami2000 1.92 フリーソフト テキストベースのアウトラインプロセッサ
    Autolar アウトラー software
  4. I have not confirmed yet, but I might have asked to have this particular software (PDS) on Toshiba PC's in our CALL lab (A-302).
Notorious MS-WORD 思考の妨げ、余計なお世話

Professonal writers do not use notorious 'MS-WORD' to create drafts. They almost always start writing memos on an editor, and expand the sub-topics to paragraphs. Only when they are ready with semi-final drafts, do they start using commercial word-processing software, like MS-WORD, but almost all of such professional writers do not recommend MS-WORD. Why? Sure you know why. If not, then, you are already brainwashed by MS-WORD. I feel sorry if you are!

Differences, Merits of Outline Processors and Editors

Link listed on my public BBS was broken, sorry.

  3. Clcik to browse relationships
  4. Idea Processors vs. DTP vs. Outline Processors

My Bookmarks - links Outline Processors, writing, etc.



Automatic Essay Scoring

(partial, see the above two sites for more)

Intelligent Essay Assessor

a software program designed to aid in your studies. The essay will be sent over the internet for analysis. Feedback on your essay should be returned to you in 5-20 seconds (depends on your network speed and current traffic).


the IntelliMetric? essay-scoring engine

has released version 2.0 of I-Manage, its Web-based management tool that allows customers using the IntelliMetric? essay-scoring engine to integrate automated essay scoring with writing assessment and instructional applications. I-Manage gives users the ability to score essay responses; provide line-by-line feedback on spelling, grammar, and mechanics; identify parts of speech for each word or phrase; and identify the readability level of a student's essay.

decent vs. excellent vs. fair - PC (Political Correctness)

The application also features built-in

alert systems

that help identify students who may want to injure themselves or others, or who use

inappropriate language in their essay. 

In addition, the program allows users to add and edit new writing prompts and rubrics.

  2. From thejournal 6/23/05 FREE subscription >

Software (有料)style checkers, etc.

  1. 認証必要、at Yahoo Group page, listed are links
    The above link page includes:

英英辞書・類語辞書, 英和・和英 オンライン辞書, 翻訳サイト

  1. Have just found a nifty thesarus: Visual Thesaurus
  2. 紀伊国屋書店、書誌データ Visual Thesarus
  3. Internet Picture Dictionary is a completely free, online multilingual picture dictionary English, French, German, Italian, Spanish 6/26/05 How many words can you spell that start with an X?
  4. オンライン辞書・辞典リンク集




or try OldPages


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