
Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. Dennis Louis Babcock jr Satoshi Nakomoto is Back Linolake’s Anoka county Get Fucked you scamming luring mother fucking suprem court law breaking crooked mother fucker’s take my kid’s and double booked court dates four times warrants in both city because you won’t fix dates I pay two more nails each time plus full for revoked and days in justly innprision also the safety of us all plus since six months to date in 2092 file opens six months later shot by lillard and Prescott Minneapolis police 2pr they both say forgot to sign for ua not fucking possible no we’re in the world then finger prints on gun they claim I tryed to take lie there own privately hired forensics test nothing of me on the best part of gun we’re he said I grabbed pulled guy said if this much done prints or smudges at least nothing then lillard refused a direct order from a uniform Minneapolis officer five or more times to point he almost shot him knowing who he was and he shot me again already on knees shot intention attempting murder me then lays gun down no jail me prision ten years and a life long of troubles starting again Mn please all residents and good arborist clear my family’s names all now and or all stand for freedom flag country I don’t know who can say other wise satoshi is real bitcoin is me and our people’s future and all is true on my kids last dieing breath all true.( signed Dennis Louis Babcock jr if wrong come get me I’ll sign papers for your permanent lock up again .