

My Hero:

Future Stats

  • Dec 2007 Reinc - 307 points - 80/42/120/65 if still playing SG...
  • March 2008 Reinc - 311 points - 100/52/120/39
  • June 2008 Reinc - 314 pts? - 120/111/42/41 For sure i quit SG by now!!!!
  • Sept 2008 Reinc - 317 pts? - 120/50/120/27


First char -> soujiro (sp?) after SG release, I quit half year later because of no money! Still high school student then

Year 2002 or 01 (?) ago I start again -> okane (me and friend both played okane...my friend quit sometime later)

Past Regis: (Only mention major ones)

  • Chaos *something* - Relic Regi
  • Soldiers Inc - with Gozzila3
  • Tofu - Invite by Eviltofu. Stayed a long time until eviltofu and rest quit SG. Then i leave cus we dont like new leaders
  • LastSamurai? - Yay! 30+ ppl every day
  • C3 - XSB, PeaceID
  • Zipang - Dioz3 (after this, i quit for about 8 months)


  • Nightwatch - gay rulezzz
  • Hungry-Unk - with yakitori


Current: (all with quorg/wight... 4th char i dun play, i dun name)

  • okane: 120/6/120/57
  • yakitori: 5/111/6/120
  • twenty: 20/120/120/10

Past: (soooo many but some I remember)

  • 40/6/120/70 very pro back then!
  • 40/120/42/* also very pro
  • 5/120/6/120 evo9 miasam
  • 20/120/120/10 fun rayok and crazy units
  • 40/5/120/120 organics fun, miasam, power kristk, eris, momo
  • 80/111/42/* more recent stat
  • 120/111/42/* normal clouter
  • 100/108/82/9 moth, arb
  • 120/6/120/57 - max gold apps + jor

Bugs I used

lol, very gay list, but only used 2

Stat reset/super org bug (many months/years can use) - I used to get 120 clout miasam without 120 MA for one week

Crater 180% exp bug (around 1 week) - I leveled yakitori units from 1-60 in 2 days, they are same units i use today! Played with ggp...i remember he got lvl 99 that reinc

Both bugs were fixed (T.T)

以上です〜 ゚゚゚゚゚-y(^。^)。o0○


  • lol, so gay -- okane 2007-03-17 (土) 22:15:24
  • アワワワ('A`;) -- PuPuTanG? 2007-10-19 (金) 06:27:19
  • okane was "twenty" o,0 you were cool! as twenty -- bEhErit? 2007-10-22 (月) 16:19:31


2006-10-04 2006-10-02 2006-10-17 2015-10-22 2009-10-01 2008-03-15 2007-11-08 2007-10-29 2007-10-24 2007-10-22
  • okane
2007-10-18 2007-10-17 2007-10-15 2007-10-12 2007-10-09 2007-05-20


  • counter: 1018
  • today: 1
  • yesterday: 0
  • online: 1

sileighty is gay!! lolx