The Collector

The Collector

The Collector

Start Text

This note is a schedule with a list of days and times when a person -- described only as "The Collector" -- will receive a shipment of gold from the mines in Elwynn Forest.

From the schedule, it looks as if the Collector resides near the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch in eastern Elwynn

This sounds important. You should report it to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.

Quest Objectives

Go to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire and give him The Collector's Pickup Schedule

Progress Text

What?!? We haven't had our people working the Elwynn mines for months!

Let me see that note you have...

End Text

Hm... I have heard of this "Collector" but I don't know whom he's working for. Thank you for the schedule. It will help us solve this mystery.



これはある人物 -- Collector(コレクター)とだけ呼ばれている -- がElwynn Forestの鉱山から金を受け取る予定日時のリストがかかれたメモです。
この予定表によるとElwynnの東部にあるCollector(コレクター)はBrackwell Pumpkin Patch(ブラックウェルのカボチャ畑)に住んでいるようです。
事は重大なようです。GoldshireにいるMarshal Dughan(ダガハン司令官)に報告する必要があります。


GoldshireにいるMarshal Dughan(ダガハン司令官)のところへ行き、彼にCollector(コレクター)の受け渡し予定日時を伝えてください。


何ですって?!?ここ何ヶ月もの間Goldshireの人々は Elwynnの鉱山での採掘をしていませんでした!


ふむ… この"Collector(コレクター)"のことは聞いたことがあります。しかし彼は誰の為に動いているのでしょうか。予定表をありがとう。これがその謎を解く手がかりになるでしょう。

Gold Pickup Schedule

Below is the process and schedule of Defias gold collection from the mines of Elwynn to our headquaters in Westfall.

Collection Schedule:

Sunday: 12:30pm
Wedensday: 12:30pm

By each specified day, gold gained from the Elwynn mines will be gathered at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch.
The agent in charge of these gatherings, "The Collector", will be known by the engraved ring he possesses. A ring I have him.

A party from Defias headquaters will contact the Collector after which he will transfer the gathered gold.

Be sure this process is performed without fail and with utmost discretion.
The Collector is responsible for the transfer of gold, but ultimately it is the responsibility of each member of the Defias Brotherhood
to ensure that his role is acted out with attention and discipline.

Remember my brothers, we were once proud craftsmen. We'll perform our current duties with the same precision we used in our past trade.




それぞれの指定された日にElwynnの鉱山から採れた金はBrackwell Pumpkin Patch(ブラックウェルのカボチャ畑)に集められます。
収集担当エージェントは "The Collector(コレクター)"です。彼は彫り物がある指輪をしています。その指輪を目印にして下さい。

Defias本部からのパーティーは集めた金を運ぶときに"The Collector(コレクター)"に連絡を取ります。

金運搬の責任は"The Collector(コレクター)"にありますが 最終的には、注意し規律を持って確実に任務を遂行する事がDefiasのメンバー各自の責任です。


Elwynn Forestのクエスト一覧へ



Elwynn Forest


2006-10-18 2006-10-20 2006-10-18 2006-10-23 2006-10-26 2006-10-30 2006-11-10 2006-10-19 2006-10-20 2006-10-18 2006-10-27 2006-10-25 2006-11-02 2007-03-13 2006-10-18 2006-10-26 2006-10-18 2006-10-30

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