Blog / 2005-07-24

Blog 目次

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language


  1. Writing tests、本家のETSサイト
  2. TOEFL, TOEIC関連の書籍、リンクサイトの一例(検索エンジンですぐに他も見つかりますが、、
  3. 言語テスト関連、リンク集、学会、機関リンクなど



  • 以下は上のサイトの引用。
    On September 24, 2005 ,
    the TOEFL@R iBT Test will begin to be administered at official ETS@R test centers in the USA.


The new test will be administered on fixed dates 
in a network of secure Internet-based test centers. 

While some questions in each of the sections will be similar to questions found on the current computer-based TOEFL® test (CBT), others will be new. The scoring system will change as well. Each of the four language skills will now be reported on a scale of 0 to 30, and there will also be a total score (out of 120). In addition, the TOEFL@R; iBT test will no longer have computer-adaptive sections; it will be a linear assessment test covering a full range of question difficulty. Note taking will be allowed on the new TOEFL@R test in order to better reflect real-life academic situations. The test will take approximately four hours to finish.

  1. コンピュータテスト(CAT)の代わりに、インターネット経由--やはりキボード入力
  2. IRT (Item Response Theory)にもとづく受験者ごと異なるテスト問題ではなく、 難易度順の同じ問題のセットを受験
  3. 英語のテストというよりも、アカデミックテストに変貌
  4. 受験時間が4時間の死闘
A very important change to the TOEFL@R test 

is the inclusion of a mandatory speaking component - the TOEFL@R Academic Speaking Test.

ついに「口頭・発話テスト」の再到来、G-TELP, 昔にもSpeaking testがありました。


Your responses will be recorded on tape and then reviewed later and given a score. During the test you will be asked six questions, two of which will focus on familiar topics. The other four will ask about short conversations, lectures, and reading passages. Both the questions and the reading passages will be printed in the test book. The time you have to prepare your response and speak will be printed below each question. The preparation time begins as soon as the question is finished, and you will be told when to begin speaking.

The Reading and Listening sections

will be fairly similar to those on the current TOEFL@R CBT Test, although some new question types will be introduced.


The Writing section, however, will now include two writing tasks instead of just one. There will be an integrated task (combining listening, reading, and writing) in addition to the current independent task, and typing will be required.







  1. Writing Workbook for the TOEFL@R CBT
  2. Writing Workbook for the TOEFL@R iBTNew まだデモ版がありません 7/24/05

Downloaded PDF file ( TOEFL-wrtworkbook.pdf ) to download

For your convenience, I have uploaded the PDF file from the first of the above site.

Four Main Types of Essay Questions

How essays are scored

"We tell you what the scores mean, and show you which areas you need to focus on to raise your score." JPG of TOEFL-Essay Scoring Scale, page 3 of the downloaded PDF from the above site. CLick does not link to any site, though, on wiki pages.


#comment() deactivated for anti-spam 2011/5/12