

To make the testing somewhat easier we will add a way to terminate the application by responding to the ESC key. Add the following private method to our class in `simple.h':


bool OnKeyboard (iEvent&);

The function OnKeyboard?() will be called when an event arrives Add the following code to `simple.cpp' just before Simple::OnInitialize?():


bool Simple::OnKeyboard(iEvent& ev)
 csKeyEventType eventtype = csKeyEventHelper::GetEventType(&ev);
 if (eventtype == csKeyEventTypeDown)
   utf32_char code = csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode(&ev);
   if (code == CSKEY_ESC)
     csRef<iEventQueue> q =
       csQueryRegistry<iEventQueue> (GetObjectRegistry());
     if (q.IsValid()) q->GetEventOutlet()->Broadcast(csevQuit (
     	GetObjectRegistry ()));
 return false;

OnKeyboard?() checks if the ESC key has been pressed. If so it uses the object registry to find the global event queue object. Using Broadcast() it then broadcasts the `csevQuit' message to all interested parties. This will cause the application to quit by terminating the run-loop.
