第05話 『マネキドリは謡う / DECOY』

攻殻機動隊 S.A.C 第05話 『マネキドリは謡う / DECOY』






(タイトル: complex episodes :マネキドリ*1は謡う DECOY*2)



荒巻:大臣にか? あの人は良くも悪くも、ただの民衆の代表に過ぎん。問題なのは、衆人環視の中総監暗殺を予告されていながら、のんびりローラー作戦*3なんぞを展開させている本庁のほうだ


バトー:おいおい! 確かに、あの犯行でインターセプターの不正使用疑惑なんざ吹き飛んじまったが、それにしたって随分と大胆な推論じゃねえかよ
バトー:こいつが? …なんか、普通のサラリーマンだな
バトー:馬鹿じゃねえの!? 今更そんな奴が笑い男なわけねぇだろ。限りなくクロに近い真っシロ*5に決まってるじゃねえか












キャスター:2月3日、7時20分になりました。おでかけ天気予報の時間です。みなさん、朝の通勤ごくろうさまです。本日は快晴とはいきませんが、まずまずのお天気のようですね。でも、実は午後から二酸化炭素除去に伴うマイクロマシンの散布が行われる模様です。喉が気になる方はマスクを着用されたほうがよろしいようです。ところで皆さん、憶えてましたか? きょう2月3日は、国際博覧会開催まで丁度100日前の日なんです。そこで今朝のおで天ではこんなアンケートを考えてみました。題して、万博に…

瀬良野:やめろ! 君には撃てんよ

瀬良野:今は無理だ! いっそ君がしゃべったらどうかね
笑い男:それじゃあ意味が無いんです! 瀬良野さん、あなたの口から真実を語らないと








ナナオ:はい。お世話になっております。…え? あの件ですか? ええ、まあ。おっしゃる通り、予想以上の反響を賜りまして。以前から用意させていただいていたプランのひとつですから。…では、楽しみにお待ち下さい。…はい、失礼します。………あの犯行予告、俺がやったんじゃないんだけどな。ま、あと少しで終わるんだし




県警捜査員A:何で動かない! 目と鼻の先にいるってのに
県警捜査員B:それもあんたら本庁の責任だろうが! インターセプターの件で現場はそれどころじゃなかったんだからな!



素子[サイトー、パズ! 警察が張りめぐらせた電波障壁?で、私たちの通信にもノイズが入ってる?]

刑事A:おい! おまえら何処の…
刑事A:どわぁ! あぁ! ……おい、やめろ!
バトー:しっ! …………あっ…

ナナオ:あっははははは! 俺は初めからそっちにはいねぇんだよ! フフフ…これで俺も晴れて笑い男として歴史に名を残すわけだ…ンッフフフ




素子[バトー! ナナオはそこを経由して、分割したウィルスを送ってきてる!]
バトー: 発信先をトレースしてやる!



Minister of Home Affairs : I believe you understand the situation. As you are well aware, hostility towards the police is on the rise due to suspicion that they're improperly using audio-visual surveillance devices. Now the Superintendent-General of the Metropolitan Police has received a death threat aired live by the media. This is damaging the authority and prestige of every law enforcement agency.
Aramaki : Yes, your assessment seems accurate.
Minister : Police headquarters is delving into the matter with the utmost determination to resolve this situation quickly and discreetly. And they're going to investigate it hand-in-hand with Section 9. Use self-restraint and don't rush into anything recklessly.
Aramaki : ......
Minister : Moderation...in all things.
Aramaki : Yes, I understand.

C: The Inviting Bird Will Chant; DECOY

Batou : The Chief sure is taking a long time.
Motoko : Sure is.
     Finally, here he comes.
Batou : That face! I think somebody *** down the old man's play.
Motoko : Did something he say get to you, Chief?
Aramaki : The Minister of Home Affairs? Hm! Good or bad, he's nothing more than a public servant.
     No, I am afraid it's a problem of the Police HQ. They casually carry out steamroller operation, while the threat to kill the Superintendent-General is broadcasted the world.
Motoko : We simply...watch it unfold on TV?
Aramaki : I'll work this team like dogs. You'll earn your pay for this.
Batou : Woof! Woof!

Aramaki : With regard to the announcement after news conference last night by the Laughing Man, the terrorist has resurfaced after 6 years, I consider to be a farce they could all *** put off by the metropolitan police.
Batou : Hold on! I will admit that this threat pushed to the whole Intercepter misuse matter clear out the limelight, but is this your reasoning a big far fetched? I mean, come on!
Motoko : Yeah, Chief. That's not like you it'll make your accusations rashly. Are you basing this on something?
Aramaki : Hm. Togusa.
Togusa : Sir.
Aramaki : Nanao=A; he's a material witness of the Laughing Man case. The metropolice special investigation's unit to have this man on the surveillance through the past 3 months.
Batou : Are you kidding? He looks like any one of the millions office-jockey to me.
Togusa : Yeah, I know. He isn't the way... that I had imagined him. I figured the Laughing Man would be a lot younger than him.
Aramaki : According to the SIU's records, a man's 36 years old. He's the son of police officer, and he's experienced a perfectly normal childhood. After entering college, he joined the "Green Tower", a faction of the Human Liberation Front. They championed it the direct action policy along with the "New World Brigade", they'er powerful ultra left-wing group at the time, his extreme of the views let him ***, that *** him arrest record.
     But after he was released from jail, he hid the entire history as an activist in nonchalantly joined Serano Genomics as an agent programmer. A year later ago, a tip to the company exposed his secret past, he was let go.
Batou : Pretty straightforward résumé, Chief.
Aramaki : Yes. Special investigations HQ is suddenly started turning up more circumstantial evidence, they recent think that Nanao is the man.
Togusa : The SIU central investigation and they focused on the grudge against Serano *** this time. They're tailing him right now and one *** Nanao through the ***, they're just gonna moving in arrest him.
Batou : Those idiots! There ain't no way in hell that that doofus could be the Laughing Man! The guy's so battered and deep-fried in guilt, he defines innocent!
Aramaki : I agree with you. Why then would special investigation swallow bait when anyone else can easily tell it's a decoy if they look at the big picture. Besides, it's whole Intercepter nonsense *** something it can't be ignore. Police conspiracy is a part of the equation, don't forget. Is it still *** that was considering?
Togusa : Well, since he... Yamaguchi was killed in the crossfire, I'd say...probably
Aramaki : I don't give any hard evidence. But if we can catch Nanao=A who's been playing the role as the Laughing Man ***, this *** something that *** to fool the SIU, the answer should surface on its own. We have 2 days to find out something.
Batou : Oh yeah. We ain't caught of big can of worms.
Aramaki : Yap. You and Togusa, find Nanao and start 24 hours surveillance.
Batou : Yes, sir! Don't screw up.
Togusa : Don't you get bored more and off.
Aramaki : The rest of you, follow the Major's instructions and find out who's duping the SIU.
All : Yes, sir.
Aramaki : So what is it, Major?
Motoko : Nothing.

Laborer : Detective's again? Geez, I wish your people would give it a rest.
     I admit we went to the same school, and were involved in some activist *** stuff together 'cause who was ***.
     However, he was a scary guy. I never came closer his level. We're talking dyed-in-the-wool fanatic. And unbelievably tenacious bustard.
     When he begins something, he follows through with it. No matter what a *** with in this way how much time *** carry out his plan.
     I think it's real bad idea underestimated him.
     But I would say this, back in college, nobody was a worldly as that guy. Yeah, and that's a fact.

Employee of Serano : If you'll ask me Nanao had a grudge against our company, and I have to say yes.
     *** the basic system for the micromachine design line here it's Serano, almost entirely built to develop by that one guy alone.
     Then Serano used his past dozen excuse to fire him, which left them *** the rights to his work.
     He would be crazy not to be angry.
Borma : You mean he didn't fight to get all the rights back in court?
Employee : Forget it. We got a powerful stuff of corporate lawyers here.
     Just between you and me, detective, I sympathize with the fool guy. I am the earth cheer man, and that's a fact

Old Man : Yeah!

Manager : You people are presistent, I'll give you that. It's *** down memory ***, so I don't mind tell you 'bout him.
     The financial yakuza back of those days were already controled by eggheads.
     I recall that Nanao kid was pretty sharp customer.
     He was always *** antiestablishment bullshit ***.
     I figure the last detective who was here could understand why a bright boy like Nanao what about anything do with yakuza.
     But the whole social provocation equals left-wing idea is so last century. There ain't no left or right when it comes to making money, and that's a fact.
Paz : For the record, you confirm that we're talking about Nanao=A and he's the man who's in this photograph?
Manager : Yeah. That's him. His hairline's receded a lot, though.

Ishikawa : Ishikawa here. I'm amezed that SIU did such a thorough job using in 6 year-old records. Even restricting it to level D class, I pulled up that the 1023 albums. I'm checking them in order, starting from level E class, but it looks like little take a long time this is clear index.

Yakuza : Here are you, sir.
Aramaki : Yeah. No thank you. That's all right. I have to leave.
Yakuza : Huh.
Aramaki : 34 hours go for the crime ***.
     There has to be a clue. I don't care what it takes. Find it.
Ishikawa : Roger.
Batou : Chief, why can't we just give up on this dull ass investigation? Grab Nanao and make a talk. Section 9 specializes in cyber warfare and doing a ***. SIU has the manpower, so let them handle the routine snooping.
Aramaki : Now, don't be so hasty. If a timing is off Nanao's arrested, *** end up in hot water. Is there any change in his behavior?
Batou : He's just been sending out short E-mails from his apartent at regular intervals all day. We checked the contents, but most of it is spam. There's no sign of virus data any of the outgoing mail.
     Hey, we can hang out here for as long as you want to.
     Good works, fellas.
     Uh... Well, if anything happens, we'll bust our way in.

Aramaki : Sorry, then ***
Yakuza : Not at all, sir. Any time.
Aramaki : Good bye.
     Ishikawa, where's Major?
Ishikawa : Now that you mention it, I haven't heard promises she left saying she's going to check of something with her own external memory device.
Aramaki : What the hell's she doing?

Kurutan : But Motoko, don't be kept the records at your work?
Motoko : Hm-hm, I was out of country the time in the incident. So I want to hear the rumors as ** go around.
Kurutan : Hmm, rumors huh?
Motoko : I can get it feel for from police files. They're too dry. Thanks a lot.
Kurutan : But it's been *** since by here.
Motoko : I promise I make it out to you.
Kurutan : Mmm...
Ran : Hey Kurutan, where's Motoko? I heard she's here.

Caster : Good morning. It's 7:20 on Febrary 3rd. Time for "Drive-time Weather".
     Well, the weather's today not so perfect, but we expected it will be *** fair. That's be good news ***
     As part of the ongoing CO2 clean-up, there's a micromachine dispersal tentatively scheduled for this afternoon. For those of you who suffer from throat problems, make sure to wear a mask.
     And does everyone remember what today is? If you forgotten, I will freshen your memory.
     This marks 100 days before the opening of the World's Exposition.
     So with that in mind, we've come up with the following questionnaire. The topic is, at the exposi...
Laughing Man : IT'S NOT FAIR!
Woman : Aaugh!!
Laughing Man : For straighten at that camera, and I demand you tell the world the truth!
Serano : S-Stop. You won't shoot me.
Laughing Man : Are you sure?
Serano : Augh!!
Laughing Man : If you word is anything, *** talk ***...
Serano : I can't. Not right now. Why do you tell 'em? Go ahead.
Laughing Man : It wouldn't mean anything! Mr. Serano, if you don't tell them the truth, so help me out...
Serano : I... can't do that.
Laughing Man : Why not!

Motoko : Febrary 3rd, 2024. Serano's kidnapping had occurred 2 days earlier, but no announcements has made an order to keep the press veiled.
     This case wad difficult to ***, investigators didn't found a single clue and then, ironically, it suddenly broke with this leak to the media. This was where it all began, theatrical crime widely known as "The Laughing Man Incident."
     According to the detectives who worked on the case back then, Mr. Serano received warnings prior to the event via the *** mouths of people *** closed to him, because their cyberbrains had been hacked, he didn't take the situation seriously.
     Immediately after Serano himself was cyberhacked and kidnapped from his home, an enormous ransom of the money for 10 billion yen and 100 kilos of gold bullion, following after that however, all contact was lost, and until they appeared on TV broadcast, there'd been no *** news about Mr. Serano whatsoever.
     And while the Laughing Man has threatened Serano on live TV, he *** his logo over the camera's AI, and the eyes of *** workers, and *** of the TV station's staff, all done in real time.
     The Laughing Man fled from police who they rushed to the scene, and despite the fact that so many people saw the suspect, the only one who were able to see his real face were 2 homeless men who had no cyber implants.
     The report's a famous there was *** testified that they saw Laughing Man's face, base to *** witness count, detectives came up a composite sketch at the logo everytime. This bizarre and disturbing incident, *** twisted pop icon gained popularity among a lot of young people and subculture commentators.
     The M.O. resembles the threat against the Superintendent-General. If the guy really did this all by himself, he's definitely a super-class-A hacker. But this time on and kidnapping case is beneath his abilities...
     After his shocking and dramatic debut, he avoided the public eye and went on to blackmail the Serano Corporation. He did this by planting the "Virus Program Unto Death" into their micromachine production line.
     When sales of their main product, medical micromachines drastically slowed, the price of Serano stock took a nose dive, and the blackmail quickly stopped, as if that was the goal all along. He went on to blackmail 6 other micromachine manufactures, then one after another using his unique method.
     This continued for about 3 months, so it makes me wonder if blackmail really was the underlying motive.
     What was his true objective? What's his criminal profile? Did he act alone or as part of a group? What's his race, sex, age? Was there something hidden in his criminal philosophy?
     He left the hell of a lot of unanswered riddle . And just when the government decided to allocate public funds to the victim companies, he suddenly vanished into the shadows of the Net.
Panelist 1 : It's *** say ****
Panelist 2 : But why would he start off by doing something so risky as appearing in public and pushing Mr. Serano to confess something? I just can't understand that.
     I tell you what I think, it's as if blackmail's message was secretly switched from 1st person to 3rd person halfway through.
Panelist 3 : He's *** saying this is all wishful thinking. It's not that simple of situation.
     Personally, I believe that the culprit is a life form that was spontaneously generated in the dark *** internet society.
     In other words, it is my feeling that this is composed enent *** by completely unrelated conspirators.
     I really gone so *** to question *** so-called Laughing Man ever existed in the first place.

Aramaki : Mmm...
Motoko : Chief, I'm getting off the Nanao case as *** this minute. Would you assign Saito and Pazto me too?
Aramaki : What are you got to mind?
Motoko : Protecting the Superintendent-General.
     I think your *** on the money. I can't shake the feeling that there's one piece which doesn't fit. My Ghost is telling me to tail the Daido now, to discover what it is. I hear it whispering.
Aramaki : Um... All right. You know what needs to be done. Every Section 9 member has a unique ability. And you work best on your own. But individual success is a reflection of strong teamwork.
Motoko : Bye, Chief.
     Get the word out to Saito and Paz, ok?

Aramaki : Did you copy that? I'm sending Saito and Paz to backup the Major.
Ishikawa : Be my guest. We're done with inquiries, so Borma and I can handle virus source from here on.
     Borma, mobilize the AI ladies. Also, get authorization to use Sci-Tech Bureau's Hekatoncheires. We check 'em all out one by one.
Borma : Yes, sir!

Aramaki : It's me. What's Nanao's status?
Togusa : No sign of any actinity yet. He's still sending out e-mails ***

Nanao : Yes? Thank you for all your help.
     Hm? Oh, that? Yes, that's right. As you say, the reaction was even better than expected. That was the only one of the plans I had worked out in advance. Well, then, I hope you'll look forward to it. Right. Good bye.
     No, it wasn't me. I didn't issue that warning, but no matter. Because...it will all be over soon.

Saito : Major, the Superintendent-General is entering the building.
Waiter : Can I get you something?
Motoko : I'm fine, but thank you.
SP voice : Routine check. A man in the building. Take your positions to stand by.
Motoko : Batou, what's Nanao doing?

Batou : Nothing do. We verified the short e-mails coming and going, and we have not anything looks like a virus.
Motoko : I see.
Togusa : Major, I tap SIU's radio ***, they sound mind impatient.

Agent 1 : Why are we moving in! He's right under our damn noses!
Fukami : It's a shame *** that we couldn't pinpointed Nanao's location when they threat the Superintendent was made.
Agent 2 : And we have you jokes the HQ to thank for that too! This Intercepter mess screwed about *** our work!
Motoko : Chief, how are things on your end?

Ishikawa : Got it.
     Like it says in SIU's report, Nanao's activities at the time each crime overwhelmingly substantiate the possibility that he's the Laughing Man, all right.
     But during my investigation of those 43 related files I came *** class a lot of weird stuff in the testimonies of those knew the man ***. I noticed a definite trend of admiration for Nanao. And I suspect this trend may be the result of a forced recognition language program.
     Another thing, there's the descriptions of Nanao in the testimony. It's subtle, but they don't appear to be the same person. I've determined that this identity is composed of several different personalities. And despite the fact that the content of the testimony is in a format *** each witness, every person confirmed that Nanao was the man in the picture showed to them.
     These records have been clearly manufactured. Or rather, skillfully overwritten.
     The Cybercops would never even see through these. Hell, not even Special Investigations able to tell these wrote the document. This falsifying was quality for job.
Aramaki : Superb work. Batou, do it quick. Apprehend Nanao.
Batou : Roger!
Aramaki : These's a lot more to this case than I ever imagined.

Motoko : Saito! Paz! Are you picking up any interference in my signal from the jamming barrier that police using?
Saito : No, you're loud and clear.
Paz : Same here.
Motoko : Really...
SP voice : Routine check. All personnel move from security level B to C.

Agent 3 : Hey! Who you people within...
Batou : Move! Public Security!
Agent 3 : Stop it! Don't go in!
Batou : Eeegh!
Togusa : Nanao=A!
Batou : You're under arrest for threatening to kill the Superintendent-General!
Agent 3 : What the hell's Public Security want with...!?
Batou : Shh!
Togusa : Uh...
Agent : Huh?
Agent : What's going on?

Nanao : Ahahaha! I was never there in the first place! This is rich.
     Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll be written down now in the history books as the Laughing Man. Mmmmwah!

Motoko : That noise...

Batou : That's...they're Intercepters!!

Motoko : The static of routine checks for the modular delayed-action virus!

Batou : He steal during through the SIU's eyes all alone.
Motoko : Batou! Nanao is sending out a modular virus via that room.
Batou : Hm? I'll trace the source from here!

*2 デコイ【decoy】狩猟で,おとりに使う鳥の模型。インテリアとしても用いられる
*3 物事をローラーをかけるように徹底的に行うやり方
*4 北米版だと、green towerと発音しているので、実在する団体ということでもあり、アメリカ独自の配慮ということでなければ、「緑の塔」ではないかと思う。
*5 限りなく透明に近いブルーw